PubMed ID:
Public Release Type:
Publication Year: 2013
Affiliation: Liver Disease Research Branch, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Brunt EM,
Kleiner DE,
Grave GD,
Doo EC,
Hoofnagle JH,
Robuck PR,
Sherker A,
Belt P,
Brancati FL,
Clark JM,
Colvin R,
Donithan M,
Green M,
Hollick R,
Isaacson M,
Jin WK,
Lydecker A,
Mann P,
May KP,
Miriel L,
Sternberg A,
Tonascia J,
Ünalp-Arida A,
Van Natta M,
Vaughn I,
Wilson L,
Yates K,
Fleck S,
Gu B,
Hameed B,
Langlois C,
Pabst M,
Rosenthal M,
Rosenthal P,
Coffey M,
Galdzicka S,
Murray K,
Yeh M,
Boyett S,
Contos MJ,
Fuchs M,
Jones A,
Luketic VA,
Puri P,
Sandhu B,
Sanyal AJ,
Sargeant C,
Noble K,
White M,
Ackermann S,
Kowdley KV,
Park J,
Pierce T,
Mooney J,
Nelson J,
Shaw C,
Stead A,
Wang C,
Hoofnagle JH,
Van Natta ML,
Kleiner DE,
Clark JM,
Kowdley KV,
Loomba R,
Neuschwander-Tetri BA,
Sanyal AJ,
Tonascia J,
Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN),
Abrams SH,
Angeli Fairly L,
Brandt P,
Bringman D,
Dasarathy J,
Hawkins C,
Liu YC,
Rogers N,
Stager M,
Whitwell J,
McCullough AJ,
Dasarathy S,
Pagadala M,
Sargent R,
Yerian L,
Zein C,
Merriman R,
Nguyen A,
Mohan P,
Nair K,
DeVore S,
Kohli R,
Lake K,
Xanthakos S,
Cosme Y,
Lavine JE,
Mencin A,
Ovchinsky N,
Abdelmalek MF,
Buie S,
Diehl AM,
Gottfried M,
Guy C,
Hanna M,
Kigongo C,
Killenberg P,
Kwan S,
Pan YP,
Piercy D,
Smith M,
Srivastava S,
Byam E,
Chalasani N,
Cummings OW,
Ghabril M,
Klipsch A,
Molleston JP,
Ragozzino L,
Subbarao G,
Tandra S,
Vuppalanchi R,
Devadason C,
Pfeifer K,
Scheimann A,
Torbenson M,
Kerkar N,
Narayanappa S,
Suchy F,
Dunne K,
Fishbein MH,
Jacques K,
Quinn A,
Riazi C,
Whitington PF,
Barlow S,
Derdoy J,
King D,
Morris A,
Siegner J,
Stewart S,
Neuschwander-Tetri BA,
Thompson J,
Behling C,
Collins J,
Durelle J,
Hassanein T,
Loomba R,
Morgan A,
Rose S,
Patton H,
Schwimmer JB,
Sirlin C,
Stein T,
Aouizerat B,
Bambha K,
Bass M,
Bass NM,
Ferrell LD,
Filipowski D
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a common cause of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevations and chronic liver disease, but it is unclear how well ALT elevations reflect the liver injury.