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Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.
Bradley CS, Cella D, Flynn KE, Gillespie BW, Griffith JW, Helfand BT, Jelovsek JE, Kirkali Z, LURN Study Group, Smith AR, Talaty P, Weinfurt KP
Cella D, Smith AR, Griffith JW, Kirkali Z, Flynn KE, Bradley CS, Jelovsek JE, Gillespie BW, Helfand BT, Talaty P, Weinfurt KP, LURN Study Group. A New Brief Clinical Assessment of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms for Women and Men: LURN SI-10. J Urol 2020 Jan;203(1):164-170. Epub 2019 Jul 31.


Lower urinary tract symptoms are common in men and women. Members of the LURN (Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Research Network) sought to create a brief, clinically relevant tool to improve existing measurements of lower urinary tract symptoms in men and women.