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Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Bayman L, Berne C, Bridges N, Eggerman T, Foss A, Goldstein J, Jenssen T, Jorns C, Korsgren O, Lundgren T, Morrison Y, Nilsson B, Rydén M, Schwieger T, Tufveson G, von Zur-Mühlen B
von Zur-Mühlen B, Lundgren T, Bayman L, Berne C, Bridges N, Eggerman T, Foss A, Goldstein J, Jenssen T, Jorns C, Morrison Y, Rydén M, Schwieger T, Tufveson G, Nilsson B, Korsgren O. Open Randomized Multicenter Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of Low Molecular Weight Sulfated Dextran in Islet Transplantation. Transplantation 2019 Mar;103(3):630-637.


When transplanted human pancreatic islets are exposed to blood during intraportal infusion, an innate immune response is triggered. This instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR) activates the coagulation and complement cascades and leads to the destruction of 25% of all transplanted islets within minutes, contributing to the need, in most patients, for islets from more than 1 donor. Low molecular dextran sulfate (LMW-DS) has been shown in experimental settings to inhibit IBMIR.