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Liver Diseases Branch, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland.
Abrams SH, Africa J, Alazraki A, Amsden K, Angeles J, Aouizerat B, Arroyo S, Awai H, Baker SS, Barlow S, Barlow SE, Behling C, Behr G, Belt P, Bernstein K, Bozic M, Bramlage K, Bross C, Brown S, Brunt EM, Cecil K, Clark JM, Cleeton R, Cooper K, Courtier J, Cruz Munos J, Cummings OW, Derdoy J, DeVore S, Donithan M, Doo E, Doo EC, Durelle J, Ferrell LD, Fishbein MH, Fleck S, Fowler K, Gill R, Hallinan E, Himes R, Hoofnagle JH, Horslen S, Hsu E, Isaacson M, Jain A, Jain AK, Kafka K, Karpen S, Karpen SJ, King D, Kirwan E, Kleiner DE, Klipsch A, Kohli R, Krisnamurthy R, Lake K, Langlois C, Lavine JE, Lefkowitch JH, Mahabir R, Maldonado L, May KP, Mencin A, Middleton M, Miriel L, Mohammad S, Molleston JP, Munson S, Murray K, Murray KF, NASH CRN, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Newton K, Osmack P, Otto R, Paiz M, Perito ER, Podberesky D, Raviele N, Reynoso E, Rigsby C, Robuck PR, Rosenthal P, Sandrasegaran K, Sanford J, Scheimann A, Schwimmer JB, Sharda L, Sherker A, Siegner J, Sirlin C, Sternberg A, Stewart S, Subbarao G, Tonascia J, Torrance R, Torretta S, Towbin A, Tsai P, Ugalde-Nicalo P, Van Natta M, Van Natta ML, Vaughn I, Villarreal MD, Vos M, Vos MB, Whitington PF, Wilson L, Wilson LA, Wriston K, Xanthakos S, Xanthakos SA, Yates K, Yeh M, Young M, Zhu L
Schwimmer JB, Lavine JE, Wilson LA, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Xanthakos SA, Kohli R, Barlow SE, Vos MB, Karpen SJ, Molleston JP, Whitington PF, Rosenthal P, Jain AK, Murray KF, Brunt EM, Kleiner DE, Van Natta ML, Clark JM, Tonascia J, Doo E, NASH CRN. In Children With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Cysteamine Bitartrate Delayed Release Improves Liver Enzymes but Does Not Reduce Disease Activity Scores. Gastroenterology 2016 Dec;151(6):1141-1154.e9. Epub 2016 Aug 26.


No treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been approved by regulatory agencies. We performed a randomized controlled trial to determine whether 52 weeks of cysteamine bitartrate delayed release (CBDR) reduces the severity of liver disease in children with NAFLD.