Argyropoulos C, Roumelioti ME, Sattar A, Kellum JA, Weissfeld L, Unruh ML. Dialyzer Reuse and Outcomes of High Flux Dialysis. PLoS One 2015 Jun 9;10(6):e0129575. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129575. eCollection 2015.
The bulk of randomized trial evidence for the expanding use of High Flux (HF) hemodialysis worldwide comes from two randomized controlled trials, one of which (HEMODIALYSIS, HEMO) allowed, while the other (Membrane Outcomes Permeability, MPO) excluded, the reuse of membranes. It is not known whether dialyzer reuse has a differential impact on outcomes with HF vs low flyx (LF) dialyzers.