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1 Department of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University , Portland, Oregon.
Adenijii A, Barker J, Belle SH, Berk PD, Bessler M, Bowden R, Capasso M, Cassady C, Chang L, Chapman W, Chen LJ, Costa C, Costa R, Courcoulas AP, Cummings DE, Dakin G, Daud A, Dellinger EP, Deveney C, Dohm L, Eagleton J, Ebel F, Eid G, Ericson H, Evans M, Flum DR, Fouse M, Gagner M, Garcia L, Geary S, Golub K, Gourash W, Greene S, Horlick M, Howell M, Hsieh J, Hsu J, Hunter J, Iacono L, Inabnet WB, King WC, Kip K, Kleiner DE, Kuller LH, Kwiatkowski J, LABS Research Group, Lancaster K, Laut J, Leishear K, Lobdell H 4th, Lovaas E, MacDougall A, Martin D, McCloskey CA, Mercurio R, Miles CW, Mitchell JE, Moher E, Monson T, Moonka R, Mwelu J, Oelschlager B, O'Rourke R, Patterson E, Patterson EJ, Pender J, Pomp A, Pories W, Purnell J, Purnell JQ, Ramanathan R, Raum W, Raum WJ, Ross R, Schrope B, Search R, Seibenick OA, Selzer F, Shirley E, Smith M, Smith MD, Sorenson C, Staten MA, Steffen KJ, Steptoe S, Strain G, Thirlby R, Tran T, Ude A, vander-Werff L, Wahed A, Wolfe BM, Wright A, Yanovski SZ
Purnell JQ, Selzer F, Smith MD, Berk PD, Courcoulas AP, Inabnet WB, King WC, Pender J, Pomp A, Raum WJ, Schrope B, Steffen KJ, Wolfe BM, Patterson EJ, LABS Research Group. Metabolic syndrome prevalence and associations in a bariatric surgery cohort from the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery-2 study. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2014 Mar;12(2):86-94. Epub 2013 Dec 31.


Metabolic syndrome is associated with higher risk for cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, all common conditions in patients referred for bariatric surgery, and it may predict early postoperative complications. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, defined using updated National Cholesterol Education Program criteria, in adults undergoing bariatric surgery and compare the prevalence of baseline co-morbid conditions and select operative and 30-day postoperative outcomes by metabolic syndrome status.