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Conference Presentation
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CFLD Network Group, Harned R, Karmazyn B, Krishnamurthy R, Leung D, Magee JC, Molleston JP, Narkewicz MR, Palermo J, Pranjape S, Romero R, Schwarzenberg SJ, Siegel M, Weymann A, Ye W
Narkewicz MR, Leung D, Molleston JP, Weymann A, Pranjape S, Romero R, Schwarzenberg SJ, Palermo J, Siegel M, Krishnamurthy R, Karmazyn B, Harned R, Ye W, Magee JC, CFLD Network Group. Later diagnosis and CF related diabetes are associated with abnormal UltraSound (US) in children with CF in the CF Liver Disease Network Study. Proceedings of 27th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference (NACFC); October 17-19, 2013; Salt Lake City, UT. 2013 Oct.