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Departments of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Children's Hospital of Colorado, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO. Electronic address:
Abramowsky C, Alissa F, Alonso E, Alonso EM, Anders R, Apted Z, Arnon R, Bass L, Bernard B, Bezerra J, Bove K, Bowen A, Boyd M, Bozic M, Brandt M, Brown J, Bukauskas K, Bull L, Byam B, Carter B, Cavallero J, Childhood Liver Disease Research and Education Network (ChiLDREN), Chiu A, Chu J, Chung C, Cohen I, Colombani P, Cooper K, Crisci T, Day C, DeAngelis M, de la Cruz-Tracy L, Denlinger J, Dillon P, Dix M, Doo E, Dunmars K, Erlichman J, Faut S, Fecteau A, Fields S, Finegold M, Finn L, Flake A, Fleck S, Ford H, Francois-Marcello R, Fredericks E, Friedman J, Gibbs R, Goodhue C, Guelker S, Gupta N, Haber B, Harpavat S, Harris K, Haviland V, Healey P, Hertel P, Heubi J, Heuckeroth R, Heyman M, Hines J, Hirose S, Hite M, Hoang V, Hoffmann P, Hoofnagle J, Horslen S, Hunt K, Iyer K, Jacob S, Jaffe R, Jensen J, Jha P, Jones D, Jones K, Kamath B, Karnsakul W, Karpen S, Karrer F, Kelly S, Kerkar N, Kerker N, Kim G, Klipsch A, Kociela V, Kovaleva T, Kusemiju O, LaGory D, Langer J, Langlois C, Leonard L, Limbers C, Lindblad D, Loomes K, Lovell M, Lowell J, Lynds J, Mack C, Magee J, Magee JC, Magid M, Marchant B, Mazariegos G, McCartney T, Melin- Aldana H, Michail S, Miethke A, Molleston J, Murray K, Narkewicz M, Ng V, O'Connor C, Ortiz-Iguayo R, Osire SA, Palermo J, Pech J, Perlmutter D, Pfeifer K, Piccoli D, Postma S, Quammie C, Raghunathan T, Rand E, Reed S, Rhodes J, Ricketts R, Rider J, Rizza D, Roberts J, Robuck P, Romero R, Rosenthal P, Rudnick D, Russo P, Sawyers C, Schardt T, Scholz S, Schwarz K, Scott K, Sekar S, Setchell K, Shakur L, Shehata B, Shepherd R, Sherker A, Shneider B, Sindhi R, Sokol R, Sokol RJ, Spinner N, Spino C, Squires R Jr, Stamper M, Stoll J, Subbarao G, Suchy F, Sundaram S, Sundaram SS, Superina R, Teckman J, Tejeda C, Tiao G, Tkaczyk K, Torrance R, Turmelle Y, Turner-Green T, Van Hove J, Van Raaphorst R, VanRoestel K, Varni JW, Venkat V, Vockley J, Vos M, Wachter L, Wang K, Wang L, Wegere J, Westfall E, West K, Weymann A, White F, Whitington P, Wu E, Ye W, Zecca D
Sundaram SS, Alonso EM, Haber B, Magee JC, Fredericks E, Kamath B, Kerkar N, Rosenthal P, Shepherd R, Limbers C, Varni JW, Robuck P, Sokol RJ, Childhood Liver Disease Research and Education Network (ChiLDREN). Health related quality of life in patients with biliary atresia surviving with their native liver. J Pediatr 2013 Oct;163(4):1052-7.e2. Epub 2013 Jun 6.


To quantify health related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients with biliary atresia with their native livers and compare them with healthy children and patients with biliary atresia post-liver transplant (LT) and to examine the relationship between HRQOL and medical variables.