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Department of Medicine and Laboratory Services, Medical University of South Carolina and Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Alappatt J, Arrigg P, Backlund J, Badal D, Baker L, Baker NL, Bantle J, Barnie A, Bayless M, Bergenstal R, Berger C, Bergren RL, Blinder K, Boniuk I, Boright A, Braunstein S, Brent M, Brickbauer J, Brillion D, Brunzell J, Bryer-Ash M, Bucksa J, Burgess D, Canady J, Canny C, Carey JD, Catton S, Chavers B, Clark C, Cleary P, Cleary PA, Colwell J, Counts D, Cowie C, Crow R, Culver Boidt H, D'Agostino R, Dahms B, Dahms W, Das A, Davis M, DCCT/EDIC Research Group, Devenyi R, Diminick L, Doft B, Donner T, Doyle J, Duffy H, Dupre J, Eastman R, Edwards A, Elner S, Elsing S, Engel H, Engel S, Espeland M, Esser B, Etzwiler D, Farr A, Feman S, Fineman M, Fradkin J, Fritz S, Funk I, Garvey T, Gatcomb P, Gehries K, Geithman P, Genuth S, Giangiacomo J, Gloeb B, Godine J, Goldbaum M, Golden E, Goldstein D, Grand G, Greene D, Gstalder R, Harth J, Heinemann M, Henry A, Herman W, Hermayer K, Hitt S, Hokanson J, Hornbeck D, Hubbard L, Hunt KJ, Jacobson A, Jacobson H, Jaffa AA, Jampol L, Jenkins A, Johnson M, Jones B, Joseph D, Kastorff L, Kaushel S, Kendall D, Kenny D, Kinyoun J, Kitabchi A, Klein B, Klein R, Klump K, Kolterman O, Kowarski A, Kruger D, Lachin J, Lackaye M, Lackland D, Lamas D, Lambeth H, Lee T, Levandoski L, Lipps J, Lopes M, Lopes-Virella MF, Lorenzi G, Lorenz R, Lou P, Lyon A, Lyons T, Lyons TJ, MacLean S, Malone J, Mandelcorn M, Manolio T, Marcovina S, Martin C, Maschak-Carey BJ, Mayer L, Mayfield R, Mayfield RK, May M, McKitrick C, Meyer D, Miller D, Miner K, Molitch M, Morgan K, Moser S, Murphy MB, Nathan D, Neider M, Nicolle D, Noller D, O'Donnell C, O'Leary D, Olsen T, Olson S, Orchard T, Ormerod LD, Ostrowski D, Pach J, Palmer J, Parker J, Park S, Paterson A, Pavan P, Pendegras S, Purnell J, Quin J, Rahhal F, Rand L, Raskin P, Reppuci V, Rogness B, Russell S, Santiago J, Schade D, Schaefer B, Scherer S, Schluster M, Schwartz S, Service J, Shamoon H, Sharuk G, Sibley S, Silvers N, Singer D, Singerman L, Sivitz W, Songer T, Soroko D, Spencer M, Steffes M, Steidl S, Stern M, Steuer E, Stevens M, Stone E, Stroessel K, Strowig S, Survant L, Szpiech M, Tamborlane W, Thomas M, Thomas S, Thompson T, Trail R, Van Ottingham L, Vine A, Virella G, Virella WT, Wabers H, Weinberg D, Weingeist T, Weir G, Wetz H, Whitehouse F, White N, Wilson C, Wood D, Zegarra H, Zeither R, Zheng D, Ziegler G, Zinman B
Lopes-Virella MF, Baker NL, Hunt KJ, Cleary PA, Klein R, Virella G, DCCT/EDIC Research Group. Baseline markers of inflammation are associated with progression to macroalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care 2013 Aug;36(8):2317-23. Epub 2013 Mar 20.


The current study aimed to determine in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications cohort whether or not abnormal levels of markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction measured in samples collected at DCCT baseline were able to predict the development of macroalbuminuria.