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Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, 50 Staniford St, Ninth Floor, Boston, MA 02114, USA.
Andriole GL, Avins AL, Barry MJ, Beaver A, Betz JM, Brannigan R, Buckley N, Cantor A, Carter S, Clark-Pereira J, Colberg JW, Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Urological Symptoms (CAMUS) Study Group, Crawford ED, DeVore P, Downey J, Eno M, Fong HH, Foster HE Jr, Gardner V, Gerber GS, Goldberg H, Gray M, Hamilton L, Helfand B, Hoffman FA, Hornberger B, Huynh C, Jones C, Kaplan SA, Koch G, Kreder KJ, Kusek JW, Lee JY, Litwin M, Lux WE, Markowitz-Chrystal G, Maroni PD, McCullough A, McVary KT, Meleth S, Meyerholz D, Meyers CM, Morales A, Naslund MJ, Nickel JC, Nyberg LM, O'Leary MP, Reda D, Rodriquez M, Roehrborn CG, Schoenecker N, Sharp V, Siemens DR, Stavris K, Te AE, Velez M, Whitmore K, Williams JE Jr, Williams OD, Wilson SS, Wilt TJ
Barry MJ, Meleth S, Lee JY, Kreder KJ, Avins AL, Nickel JC, Roehrborn CG, Crawford ED, Foster HE Jr, Kaplan SA, McCullough A, Andriole GL, Naslund MJ, Williams OD, Kusek JW, Meyers CM, Betz JM, Cantor A, McVary KT, Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Urological Symptoms (CAMUS) Study Group. Effect of increasing doses of saw palmetto extract on lower urinary tract symptoms: a randomized trial. JAMA 2011 Sep 28;306(12):1344-51.


Saw palmetto fruit extracts are widely used for treating lower urinary tract symptoms attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); however, recent clinical trials have questioned their efficacy, at least at standard doses (320 mg/d).