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Gastroenterology Section, Department of Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140, USA.
Abell T, Abell TL, Ameen V, Amin O, Atkinson M, Basina M, Baxter L, Belt P, Bernard C, Block J, Bright T, Buckingham B, Calles J, Clinton P, Colvin R, Connery S, Culler S, DeVole N, Donithan M, Duffy F, Earle K, Farrugia G, Fordham J, Greene M, Green M, Hamilton F, Hasler W, Hasler WL, Hejazi R, Henry O, Herman W, Homko C, Hooker J, Hossain K, Hynes P, Isaacson M, James S, Kantor S, Kedar A, Kim W, Kirkeby K, Koch K, Koch KL, Lee L, Louiseau S, Lytes V, McCallum RW, McNair V, Menon L, Minglana M, Miriel L, Moody N, Nguyan L, Nguyen L, NIDDK Gastroparesis Clinical Research Consortium, Nunan-Lui C, Palit A, Parker S, Parkman HP, Parrish CR, Pasricha PJ, Pathikonda M, Petito D, Rothberg AE, Sachdeva P, Saldana J, Sarosiek I, Shetler K, Simmons K, Siraj E, Smith M, Snape W, Snape WJ, Spree D, Sternberg A, Stuart P, Tonascia J, Torrance R, Uelman S, Ullah N, Unalp-Arida A, Van Natta M, Van Raaphorst R, Vasquez D, Vaughn I, Vega N, Wilson L, Yates K, Yates KP
Parkman HP, Yates KP, Hasler WL, Nguyan L, Pasricha PJ, Snape WJ, Farrugia G, Calles J, Koch KL, Abell TL, McCallum RW, Petito D, Parrish CR, Duffy F, Lee L, Unalp-Arida A, Tonascia J, Hamilton F, NIDDK Gastroparesis Clinical Research Consortium. Dietary intake and nutritional deficiencies in patients with diabetic or idiopathic gastroparesis. Gastroenterology 2011 Aug;141(2):486-98, 498.e1-7. Epub 2011 Apr 28.


Gastroparesis can lead to food aversion, poor oral intake, and subsequent malnutrition. We characterized dietary intake and nutritional deficiencies in patients with diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis.