Genetic Analysis and Data Coordinating Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Abboud H, Adler SG, Arar NH, Bowden DW, Divers J, Duggirala R, Elston RC, Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group, Freedman BI, Goddard KA, Guo X, Hanson RL, Horvath A, Igo RP Jr, Ipp E, Iyengar SK, Kao WH, Kimmel PL, Knowler WC, Langefeld CD, Meoni LA, Molineros J, Nelson RG, Nicholas SB, Pahl MV, Parekh RS, Rasooly RS, Schelling JR, Sedor JR, Shah VO, Smith MW, Winkler CA, Zager PG
Igo RP Jr, Iyengar SK, Nicholas SB, Goddard KA, Langefeld CD, Hanson RL, Duggirala R, Divers J, Abboud H, Adler SG, Arar NH, Horvath A, Elston RC, Bowden DW, Guo X, Ipp E, Kao WH, Kimmel PL, Knowler WC, Meoni LA, Molineros J, Nelson RG, Pahl MV, Parekh RS, Rasooly RS, Schelling JR, Shah VO, Smith MW, Winkler CA, Zager PG, Sedor JR, Freedman BI, Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. Genomewide linkage scan for diabetic renal failure and albuminuria: the FIND study. Am J Nephrol 2011;33(5):381-9. Epub 2011 Mar 31.
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The multicenter FIND consortium aims to identify genes for DN and its associated quantitative traits, e.g. the urine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR). Herein, the results of whole-genome linkage analysis and a sparse association scan for ACR and a dichotomous DN phenotype are reported in diabetic individuals.