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Abbott K, Abebe S, Ackermann RT, Acton KJ, Adams KS, Adorno E, Albers J, Alexander T, Altshuler D, Anderson E, Andre VL, Applegate WB, Arakaki RF, Aroda V, Baker-Ladao NK, Bamdad J, Barrett-Connor E, Bavido-Arrage C, Begay S, Bermudez NE, Bissett L, Botrous M, Bouffard A, Bray GA, Brenneman AT, Brenneman T, Brown AL, Brown-Friday JO, Bryer-Ash M, Bucca BC, Budget M, Butler L, Caballero E, Cagliero E, Callaghan J, Calles J, Campbell C, Canady JL, Carrion-Petersen ML, Castillo-Florez S, Chatellier A, Christophi CA, Clark B, Clark JM, Colleran K, Conzues C, Cooeyate N, Cook S, Crandall J, Czech K, Dabelea D, Dagogo-Jack S, D'Anna K, Das S, Delahanty L, DeSandre C, Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, Doughty MS, Duffy H, Duncan C, Edelstein SL, Ehrmann D, Fineberg ES, Florez HJ, Florez JC, Foo ST, Fowler S, Fowler SE, Fradkin J, Frieson SL, Fujimoto W, Ganiats T, Gao Y, Garfield S, Giannella A, Gibbs P, Giles MM, Glass J, Glass M, Goldberg R, Goldberg RB, Goldman V, Goldstein BJ, Gonzales Y, Gooding R, Gottlieb A, Greene A, Greenway FL, Grover N, Hadden A, Haffner SM, Hagamen S, Hall S, Hamman RF, Hanson RL, Hassenpflug D, Hemphill C, Hensley S, Hernandez-McGinnis DA, Hilbrich R, Hoffman H, Hoffman HJ, Horne J, Horton ES, Hoskin MA, Hyde P, Ingraham LE, Isonaga MK, Jablonski K, Jackson MA, Jackson SD, Jeffries S, Jenkins T, Jiggetts D, Jinagouda S, Johnson MK, Kahn SE, Katz P, Katz R, Kelly SM, King C, Kirkman MS, Kitabchi AE, Knopp RH, Knowler WC, Kobus KM, Kolinjivadi P, Krakoff J, Kramer MK, Kriska A, Kriska AM, Lachin JM, Lambert L, Lambeth H, Lara O, Larsen D, Lawton KE, Ledbury S, Lee JE, Lenz D, Leos D, Levy E, Lichtermann LC, Lipkin EW, Li Y, Lorenzo C, Magpuri P, Manus C, Marcovina S, Marrero DG, Marr M, Martinez A, Martinez H, Mather KJ, Matulik MJ, Mau MK, Ma Y, Mayer-Davis E, McCabe C, McKitrick C, McNabb W, Metzger BE, Michaels S, Mills M, Molitch ME, Montez MG, Montgomery BK, Moran RR, Morgan T, Mosley H, Mudaliar S, Murillo A, Murphy ME, Natewa C, Nathan DM, Nelson JA, Ngo K, Niznik C, Ojito J, Orchard T, Otkaei H, Pen SC, Pepe C, Percy CA, Perreault L, Pettigrew J, Pi-Sunyer FX, Poirier CS, Polonsky KS, Pompi D, Poulos A, Price DW, Prineas RJ, Ratner RE, Reamer S, Reusing J, Roach PJ, Roy RJ, Rubin RR, Rutledge LM, Ryan DH, Saad MF, Santiago A, Sapozhnikova A, Sarkin AJ, Saudek CD, Schade DS, Schinleber PA, Semenske AR, Semler L, Shamoon H, Shapiro S, Sherif H, Sherman AR, Smart M, Smith CM, Smith J, Smith KA, Smith M, Soberman JE, Soliman E, Steinke SC, Stephen S, Strylewicz G, Swift K, Temprosa M, Testaverde L, Tobian J, Tonemah DP, Trence D, Tseng B, Turgeon H, Utsey E, Uwaifo G, Veciana B, Vejvoda K, Venditti E, Venditti EM, Walker EA, Watson K, Weinzierl V, Wernimont C, Wheeler ML, White NH, Whittington T, Wiggins R, Wildman W, Williams-Cleaves B, Wilson C, Wylie-Rosett J, Xapthalamous K, Zhang Z
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, Knowler WC, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Christophi CA, Hoffman HJ, Brenneman AT, Brown-Friday JO, Goldberg R, Venditti E, Nathan DM. 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet 2009 Nov 14;374(9702):1677-86. Epub 2009 Oct 29.


In the 2.8 years of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) randomised clinical trial, diabetes incidence in high-risk adults was reduced by 58% with intensive lifestyle intervention and by 31% with metformin, compared with placebo. We investigated the persistence of these effects in the long term.