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University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Abdelmalek M, Abrams SH, Arceo D, Bambha K, Barlow S, Bass NM, Behling C, Belt P, Bhimalli P, Boyett S, Brancati F, Bringman D, Brunt EM, Bryan D, Byam E, Chalasani N, Clark J, Clark L, Coffey M, Colvin R, Contos MJ, Cummings OW, Dasarathy S, Derdoy J, Diehl AM, Donithan M, Doo E, Durelle J, Espinosa D, Fairly LA, Feldstein A, Ferrell LD, Filipowski D, Fuchs M, Gottfried M, Green M, Guy C, Hassanein T, Hawkins C, Hoffmann J, Hollick R, Hoofnagle J, Huang TT, Isaacson M, Jones A, Killenberg P, Kim W, King D, Kleiner DE, Klipsch A, Kowdley KV, Kwan S, Lavine JE, Lee L, Liu YC, Luketic VA, Lydecker A, Mann P, McCullough A, Mendoza S, Merriman R, Miriel L, Mohan P, Molleston JP, Mooney J, Murray KF, Nelson J, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network Research Group, Pabst M, Palomares Z, Pan YP, Parman Z, Patton H, Pfeifer K, Piercy D, Ragozzino L, Robuck PR, Rosenthal M, Rosenthal P, Sandhu B, Sanyal AJ, Sargeant C, Sargent R, Saunders C, Scheimann AO, Schwimmer JB, Siegner J, Sirlin C, Smith M, Stager M, Steel T, Stein T, Sternberg A, Stewart S, Subbarao G, Thompson J, Tonascia J, Torbenson M, Unalp A, Unalp-Arida A, Van Natta M, Vuppalanchi R, White M, Wilson L, Yates K, Yeh M, Young M
Lavine JE, Schwimmer JB, Molleston JP, Scheimann AO, Murray KF, Abrams SH, Rosenthal P, Sanyal AJ, Robuck PR, Brunt EM, Unalp A, Tonascia J, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network Research Group. Treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children: TONIC trial design. Contemp Clin Trials 2010 Jan;31(1):62-70. Epub 2009 Sep 15.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in children can lead to steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and end-stage liver disease. The cause of NAFLD is unknown, but it is commonly associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia.