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Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation/Wellcome Trust Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory, Department of Medical Genetics, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Abdul Ghani R, Adlem E, Agleham M, Akolkar B, Albret L, Aldrich A, Alemzadeh R, Allen J, Altshuler D, Aly T, Ampudia-Blasco F, Argente J, Arora S, Au K, Austin A, Babadjanova G, Badenhoop K, Bain S, Barcellos L, Barral S, Barrett JC, Baskerville T, Battelino T, Bautista N, Becker D, Becker T, Beilhack G, Benoist C, Bergholdt R, Berka N, Bhatia E, Bhatia S, Bhatia V, Bingley P, Bin Hasan K, Boehm B, Bolidson J, Bonella P, Bonnici F, Bottini N, Boyle S, Brady B, Brickman W, Briggs F, Brodnicki T, Bronson P, Brorsson C, Brown J, Brown M, Burren O, Cameron F, Carlson J, Castano L, Chaichanwatanakul K, Chandler K, Chen WM, Cheung PT, Christensen R, Cinek O, Cipponeri E, Clarke P, Clayton D, Clayton DG, Coleman G, Colman P, Concannon P, Cooper J, Cooper JD, Corripio R, Cotterill A, Couch R, Counts D, Couper J, Crandall J, Crews A, Cucca F, Cutfield R, Daly M, Daniels M, Davis T, de Bakker P, de Leiva A, Deloukas P, Devlin B, Dixon P, Dolan L, Donaghue K, Donaldson D, Doria A, Dowling K, Drury P, Duley S, Dunger D, Dye S, Eike MC, Eisenbarth G, El-Hajj R, Erlich H, Erlich HA, Everett V, Fagulha A, Fain P, Fear AL, Fernandez Balcells M, Ferry R, Fiallo-Scharer R, Field L, Gabriel S, Garcia Cuartero B, Garge N, Gaudieri S, Gellert S, Ghosh S, Gitelman S, Godwin M, Goland R, Goldstein B, Goodman N, Goodwin G, Gorodezky C, Gravely J, Greenbaum C, Greer R, Griffin J, Gudgeon C, Guja C, Gunville F, Gutierrez P, Hagopian W, Hakonarson H, Hall M, Hamon S, Hansen J, Han X, Hardy M, Harnish T, Harrington K, Harrison D, Harrison I, Harrison L, Hassing J, Hatziagelaki E, Hawkins S, Healy B, Heath S, He C, Helmberg W, Hepler J, Hernandez M, Hilliker W, Hilner J, Hoffman R, Holzheu I, Homatopoulos N, Hood S, Hosszufalusi N, Howell S, Howson J, Hulbert E, Humphreys K, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Izquierdo R, James I, Ji L, Johannesen J, Jones T, Jospe N, Julier C, Kahles H, Kaiserman K, Kamaruddin NA, Kanga U, Kanungo A, Kaufman F, Kaur G, Kek B, Kim S, King N, Kloos E, Knip M, Knowles S, Kockum I, Kojo E, Koprivarova K, Kordonouri O, Kosoy R, Krebs J, Kretowski A, Krikovszky D, Kumar N, Kurkhaus A, Lalic N, Lane J, Lathrop M, Lavant E, Lawrence J, Lee YJ, Levetan C, Levin P, Li D, Lie BA, Liktimaskul S, Lipton R, Li X, Lloyd M, Lohman K, Long A, Lonsdale J, Loth A, Louey A, Ludvigsson J, Lu L, Mack S, Madacsy L, Magnuson V, Maisuria M, Marga M, Marks J, Mauricio D, Mayer-Davis B, Mazurkievicz G, McEvoy R, McGinnis R, McIndoe R, McKeon C, McKinnon E, McLaren W, Meadows W, Mehra N, Merkle L, Merriman T, Metzger D, Miao D, Mickelson E, Min L, Mistry T, Moonsamy P, Moore W, Morahan G, Moran A, Moses R, Mraz G, Murphy R, Mychaleckyj J, Nail J, Nerup J, Nicholson I, Nierras C, Noble J, Nolan D, Novoa Mogollon FJ, Nutland S, Olsem G, Olsson M, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Orban T, Orlowski C, Ott J, Ovington N, Owerbach D, Panelo A, Paterson A, Patterson C, Perdue L, Petersen MT, Phillip M, Pierce J, Pietropaolo M, Pihoker C, Pirags V, Plagnol V, Pociot F, Podolsky R, Poh P, Polychronakos C, Postellon D, Post J, Pozzilli P, Price G, Pugliese A, Quattrin T, Qu H, Ramsay P, Rangantah V, Rappaport M, Rappner R, Raskin P, Ratnam N, Reboussin D, Rich S, Rich SS, Risbeck H, Risch N, Rodriguez H, Rodriguez L, Roep B, Rogers M, Rokni S, Ronningen KS, Rosinger S, Rubio-Cabezas O, Ruckgaber C, Rushing S, Russell B, Sale M, Sanjeevi C, Satman I, Schatz D, Schober E, Schuilenburg H, Scott C, Sedimbi S, Seufert J, Shao X, She JX, Shen S, Shulman D, Sides E, Simpson A, Single R, Sing R, Skrha J, Smink L, Smyth DJ, Snively B, Sobngwi E, Somerville M, Soyka L, Speiser P, Spinas G, Starkman H, Steck A, Steffes M, Stender S, Stevens H, Stratton L, Sur D, Taback S, Tait B, Tandon N, Taylor N, Teuschler H, Theil G, Thomas A, Thomson E, Thomson G, Thrailkill K, Tilmann V, Todd J, Todd JA, Toth E, Trymbiski P, Tsalikian E, Tuomilehto J, Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium, Undlien D, Urbanavicius V, Valdes AM, Van der Auwera B, Vandiedonck C, Varney M, Vasquez San Miguel F, Vazeo-Gerasimidi A, Velickiene D, Vertachnik K, Wagner A, Wahlen J, Walker N, Walker NM, Wang X, Weber S, Weerakulwattana P, Wherrett D, Whittaker P, Widmer B, Williams A, Williams D, Willi S, Willis J, Wilson D, Wilson M, Withers H, Wurzburger M, Ying GS, Yin LK, Youkey J, Young N, Yu L, Zhang Q, Ziegler A, Zimmerman D
Barrett JC, Clayton DG, Concannon P, Akolkar B, Cooper JD, Erlich HA, Julier C, Morahan G, Nerup J, Nierras C, Plagnol V, Pociot F, Schuilenburg H, Smyth DJ, Stevens H, Todd JA, Walker NM, Rich SS, Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium. Genome-wide association study and meta-analysis find that over 40 loci affect risk of type 1 diabetes. Nat Genet 2009 Jun;41(6):703-7. Epub 2009 May 10.


Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a common autoimmune disorder that arises from the action of multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. We report the findings of a genome-wide association study of T1D, combined in a meta-analysis with two previously published studies. The total sample set included 7,514 cases and 9,045 reference samples. Forty-one distinct genomic locations provided evidence for association with T1D in the meta-analysis (P < 10(-6)). After excluding previously reported associations, we further tested 27 regions in an independent set of 4,267 cases, 4,463 controls and 2,319 affected sib-pair (ASP) families. Of these, 18 regions were replicated (P < 0.01; overall P < 5 × 10(-8)) and 4 additional regions provided nominal evidence of replication (P < 0.05). The many new candidate genes suggested by these results include IL10, IL19, IL20, GLIS3, CD69 and IL27.