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Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Badenhoop K, Böhm BO, Diabetes Genetics Consortium, Kahles H, Kordonouri O, Lopez ER, Rosinger S, Seidl C, Walter M, Ziegler A
Badenhoop K, Kahles H, Seidl C, Kordonouri O, Lopez ER, Walter M, Rosinger S, Ziegler A, Böhm BO, Diabetes Genetics Consortium. MHC-environment interactions leading to type 1 diabetes: feasibility of an analysis of HLA DR-DQ alleles in relation to manifestation periods and dates of birth. Diabetes Obes Metab 2009 Feb;11 Suppl 1:88-91.


The region on chromosome 6p21 (IDDM1) confers the largest part of genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D) with particular human leucocyte antigen (HLA) alleles predisposing and others protecting from it. As T1D is primarily a "sporadic" disease, the pathophysiology must involve gene-environment interactions. We searched for indirect evidence for such major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-environment interactions by asking two questions: (i) can the degree of an HLA association vary over time periods? and (ii) if a prenatal event like an intrauterine infection - that might cluster in seasons - leads to differences of HLA associations in patients with particular birth months?