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Western Australian Institute for Medical Research and Centre for Medical Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
Diabetes Genetics Consortium, James I, McKinnon E, Mehta M, Morahan G
Morahan G, Mehta M, McKinnon E, James I, Diabetes Genetics Consortium. Effect of linkage status of affected sib-pairs on the search for novel type 1 diabetes susceptibility genes in the HLA complex. Diabetes Obes Metab 2009 Feb;11 Suppl 1:67-73.


Type 1 diabetes susceptibility is influenced by a number of genes, of which those with the strongest effects map to the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) complex. Evidence for linkage of non-HLA genes in several affected sib-pair analyses was increased if the HLA or gender status of the sibs was considered independently. We investigated whether linkage status at the HLA complex differentially affected transmission of alleles to sibs depending on their HLA or gender linkage status.