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SickKids Transplant Center, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, 555 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X8, Canada.
Akyeampong M, Alford M, Alonso E, Alvarez F, Alvarez S, Anand R, Andersen D, Andrews W, Antonson D, Arnott L, Arya G, Atkinson P, Balistreri W, Benka M, Berquist R, Berquist W, Bhave C, Book L, Boone P, Botha J, Bruschke L, Bucuvalas J, Carter B, Chien L, Clawson R, Cohen G, Colombani P, Cooper L, Cox K, Cross D, Cuellar S, Cutright L, D'Alessandro A, Daniel J, Davis L, DeLuca E, DePaolo J, DeRusso P, Desai D, Dunn S, Durand B, Emre S, Erickson N, Fair J, Falkenstein K, Faye E, Fecteau A, Fiest S, Filipowski D, Fioravanti V, Fisher R, Fleckten B, Freese D, Friedman B, Gagliardi R, Gilmour S, Gonzalez M, González-Peralta R, Goodsell C, Gopalareddy V, Goss J, Grant W, Greet L, Greseth J, Grewal H, Halff G, Harren P, Heffron T, Hill-Sober C, Hodik M, Horslen S, Howkins A, Humar A, Jarvis S, Jonas M, Judd R, Jurao R, Kalayoglu M, Kane R, Karpen S, Karrer F, Kato T, Kawai C, Kelly S, Khanna A, Knechtle S, Kneteman N, Kraus J, Krawczuk L, Kreisl M, Krug S, Langham M, Langnas A, Larocque K, Lassiter A, Lavine J, Lerret S, Lim J, Lobritto S, Lokar J, Lopez J, Lowell J, Magee J, Martin S, Mayo J, Mazariegos G, McDiarmid S, McIver P, Menendez J, Millis J, Mittal N, Molleston J, Nadler M, Narkewicz M, Nebel J, Neighbors K, Ng V, Ng VL, O'Gorman M, Orban-Eller K, Orloff M, Pearson J, Pearson L, Phillips E, Pillen T, Powell S, Prinzhorn J, Raizada A, Rand E, Roberts J, Roden J, Rosenthal P, Rossi T, Ryckman F, Santiago A, Seipel K, Shaw B, Shepherd R, Shieck V, Shisler T, Shneider B, Shokough-Amiri H, Silva J, Smallwood G, Smith A, Smith L, Sokol R, Solomon H, Soriano H, Spaith E, Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation Research Group, Sundan D, Superina R, Tector J, Telega G, Tendick A, Thorson R, Torres C, Tzakis A, Ventura K, Viau C, Weckwerth J, Welch D, Weppler D, Whitington P, Wilson L, Ybarra D, Young J, Young L
Ng VL, Fecteau A, Shepherd R, Magee J, Bucuvalas J, Alonso E, McDiarmid S, Cohen G, Anand R, Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation Research Group. Outcomes of 5-year survivors of pediatric liver transplantation: report on 461 children from a north american multicenter registry. Pediatrics 2008 Dec;122(6):e1128-35.


Although liver transplantation has been the standard of care therapy for life-threatening liver diseases for >20 years, data on the long-term impact of liver transplantation in children have been primarily limited to single-center experiences. The objective of this study was to characterize and evaluate the clinical course of children who have survived >or=5 years after pediatric liver transplantation in multiple centers across North America.