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Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND) Genetic Analysis and Data Coordinating Center, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Abboud H, Abboud HE, Abboud T, Adler SG, Arar N, Arar NH, Bobelu A, Bowden DW, Briggs JP, Brooks G, Budgett M, Chakraborty GM, Chakraborty R, Chester J, Chew EY, Collins-Schramm HE, Davis MD, Duggirala R, Elston RC, Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group, Fondran C, Freedman BI, Garcia C, Getz-Fradley L, Gonzalez J, Goyes C, Guo X, Hanson R, Hanson RL, Hariri F, Hernandez L, Horvath A, Humbert L, Igo RP Jr, Ingram-Drake L, Ipp E, Iyengar SK, Jenkinson C, Jones L, Juan R, Jun G, Kao L, Kasinath BS, Kessing B, Kimmel PL, Klag M, Knowler WC, Kramp K, LaPage J, Li H, Lovelace R, Luethe C, Meoni L, Molineros J, Nelson RG, Nicholas SB, O'Brien SJ, Pahl M, Pahl MV, Parekh R, Phillips LM, Plaetke R, Quade SR, Rasooly R, Rasooly RS, Rich SS, Rotter J, Rotter JI, Saad MF, Sartorio V, Satko SG, Scavini M, Schelling JR, Sedor JR, Seldin MF, Sewemaenewa J, Shah V, Shah VO, Sili I, Slaughter M, Smith MW, Spainhour M, Spielman R, Stern M, Taylor K, Thompson M, Viverette S, Walker B, Warren S, Waseta B, Whitehead T, Winkler C, Wolford J, Young R, Zager P, Zager PG, Zaletel E
Arar NH, Freedman BI, Adler SG, Iyengar SK, Chew EY, Davis MD, Satko SG, Bowden DW, Duggirala R, Elston RC, Guo X, Hanson RL, Igo RP Jr, Ipp E, Kimmel PL, Knowler WC, Molineros J, Nelson RG, Pahl MV, Quade SR, Rasooly RS, Rotter JI, Saad MF, Scavini M, Schelling JR, Sedor JR, Shah VO, Zager PG, Abboud HE, Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes Research Group. Heritability of the severity of diabetic retinopathy: the FIND-Eye study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2008 Sep;49(9):3839-45.


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic nephropathy (DN) are serious microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. Correlations between severity of DR and DN and computed heritability estimates for DR were determined in a large, multiethnic sample of diabetic families. The hypothesis was that (1) the severity of DR correlates with the presence and severity of nephropathy in individuals with diabetes mellitus, and (2) the severity of DR is under significant familial influence in members of multiplex diabetic families.