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Department of Urology, Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7, Canada.
Adler A, Alexander R, Alexander RB, Anderson R, Anderson RU, Ardern D, Bale R Jr, Barry MJ, Bennett CL, Berger R, Braverman A, Buntin M, Burrows LL, Burton K, Bushman W, Butler L, Byrd G, Calhoun EA, Caubet JF, Ceri H, Chai T, Chan C, Chang D, Cheah PY, Cheng D, Chew A, Chin LT, Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network Study Groups, Chuai S, Cifelli D, Clark-Pereira J, Clemens JQ, Collins MM, Comiter CV, Conrad P, Curley RM, Datta NS, Dautenhahn A, Desai P, Dobi C, Dopona M, Downey J, Drach G, Duncan J, Durborow M, Durborow S, Fanelli L, Farishian R, Farrar JT, Feldman HI, Filer-Maerten S, Fitzgerald CM, Flores V, Fowler JE, Fowler JE Jr, Freeman S, Frest M, Garst J, Giesler J, Gomez E, Harris M, Hay YK, Healy M, Helker C, Heng HK, Hennenfent M, Hickman C, Hildebrand R, Huey SL, Hu X, Jarvi K, Kahn N, Kang S, Keay S, Kishel L, Kish L, Knauss JS, Koch AE, Kohr T, Krieger JN, Kusek J, Kusek JW, Lamarre N, Landis JR, Lang DC, Leong TC, Litwin MS, Long LM, Loong CW, Lowder CS, Lumpkin D, Madigan R, Ma K, Marko D, Markowitz-Chrystal G, McCallum S, McNaughton-Collins M, Mervin K, Mohan M, Morales A, Muller C, Mullins C, Murphy D, Murray J, Nadler RB, Nickel JC, Norwood G, Nyberg L, Nyberg LM, O'Leary MP, Payne CK, Ponniah S, Pontari MA, Potts J, Propert KJ, Radebaugh L, Raimo ME, Randall L, Rhodes D, Riley D, Rong YJ, Ross S, Rothman I, Ruggieri MR, Sanchez S, Santiago M, Schaeffer AJ, Seng LW, Shinghal R, Shoskes D, Shoskes DA, Siemens R, Simpkiss B, Sin LC, Spolarich-Kroll J, Stevens M, Sweet R, Tapley R, Thomas K, Tripp DA, Turner J, Underwood Y, Wai YH, Wang Y, White P, White PC, Williams C, Xie Y, Zeitlin SI, Zhang Y
Nickel JC, Alexander RB, Anderson R, Berger R, Comiter CV, Datta NS, Fowler JE, Krieger JN, Landis JR, Litwin MS, McNaughton-Collins M, O'Leary MP, Pontari MA, Schaeffer AJ, Shoskes DA, White P, Kusek J, Nyberg L, Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network Study Groups. Category III chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: insights from the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network studies. Curr Urol Rep 2008 Jul;9(4):320-7.


Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome remains an enigmatic medical condition. Creation of the National Institutes of Health-funded Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network (CPCRN) has stimulated a renewed interest in research on and clinical aspects of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Landmark publications of the CPCRN document a decade of progress. Insights from these CPCRN studies have improved our management of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and offer hope for continued progress.