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Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK.
Ahmad T, Anderson CA, Barmada MM, Barrett JC, Belaiche J, Belgian-French IBD Consortium, Bitton A, Brant SR, Bumpstead S, Cardon LR, Cho JH, Daly MJ, Dassopoulos T, Datta LW, Deloukas P, de Vos M, Dewit O, Drummond H, Duerr RH, Fisher SA, Franchimont D, Georges M, Ghori J, Green T, Griffiths AM, Gut I, Gwilliam R, Hansoul S, Heath S, Hugot JP, Jewell D, Kistner EO, Lathrop M, Laukens D, Libioulle C, Louis E, Mansfield J, Marchini J, Mathew CG, Mni M, Murtha MT, Nicolae DL, NIDDK IBD Genetics Consortium, Nimmo E, Onnie CM, Parkes M, Prescott NJ, Regueiro MD, Rioux JD, Rotter JI, Rutgeerts P, Sandor C, Satsangi J, Schumm LP, Silverberg MS, Steinhart AH, Targan SR, Taylor KD, Tremelling M, Van Gossum A, Vermeire S, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Xavier RJ, Zelenika D
Barrett JC, Hansoul S, Nicolae DL, Cho JH, Duerr RH, Rioux JD, Brant SR, Silverberg MS, Taylor KD, Barmada MM, Bitton A, Dassopoulos T, Datta LW, Green T, Griffiths AM, Kistner EO, Murtha MT, Regueiro MD, Rotter JI, Schumm LP, Steinhart AH, Targan SR, Xavier RJ, NIDDK IBD Genetics Consortium, Libioulle C, Sandor C, Lathrop M, Belaiche J, Dewit O, Gut I, Heath S, Laukens D, Mni M, Rutgeerts P, Van Gossum A, Zelenika D, Franchimont D, Hugot JP, de Vos M, Vermeire S, Louis E, Belgian-French IBD Consortium, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Cardon LR, Anderson CA, Drummond H, Nimmo E, Ahmad T, Prescott NJ, Onnie CM, Fisher SA, Marchini J, Ghori J, Bumpstead S, Gwilliam R, Tremelling M, Deloukas P, Mansfield J, Jewell D, Satsangi J, Mathew CG, Parkes M, Georges M, Daly MJ. Genome-wide association defines more than 30 distinct susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease. Nat Genet 2008 Aug;40(8):955-62. Epub 2008 Jun 29.


Several risk factors for Crohn's disease have been identified in recent genome-wide association studies. To advance gene discovery further, we combined data from three studies on Crohn's disease (a total of 3,230 cases and 4,829 controls) and carried out replication in 3,664 independent cases with a mixture of population-based and family-based controls. The results strongly confirm 11 previously reported loci and provide genome-wide significant evidence for 21 additional loci, including the regions containing STAT3, JAK2, ICOSLG, CDKAL1 and ITLN1. The expanded molecular understanding of the basis of this disease offers promise for informed therapeutic development.