Haber B, Balistreri WF, Barton BA, Gonzalez-Peralta RP, Goodman ZD, Jonas MM, Lobritto SJ, Mohan P, Molleston JP, Murray KF, Narkewicz M, Robuck PR, Rosenthal P, Schwarz KB. HCV autoimmunity in a US multi-center cohort of treatment naive children. Hepatology 2007 Oct;46(Suppl S1):722A-723A.
Auto-antibodies are described frequently in adults
with chronic HCV, with thyroid antibodies present in14% and
autoimmune hepatitis antibodies in up to 90%. These antibodies
have prevented some adults from undergoing or successfully
completing treatment with interferon. Although children with
HCV generally tolerate treatment better than adults and have a
higher response rate, little is known about the frequency with
which autoantibodies are present. Understanding this baseline
feature may be important in developing recommendations for
treatment of pediatric patients with chronic HCV.