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Division of Nephrology, University of California Davis, Sacramento, California 95817, USA.
Allon M, Beck G, Chumlea C, Daugirdas J, Delmez J, Depner T, Eknoyan G, Gotch F, Greene T, Hemodialysis Study Group, Kusek J, Levin N, Macon E, Milford E, Owen W, Star R, Toto R
Depner T, Daugirdas J, Greene T, Allon M, Beck G, Chumlea C, Delmez J, Gotch F, Kusek J, Levin N, Macon E, Milford E, Owen W, Star R, Toto R, Eknoyan G, Hemodialysis Study Group. Dialysis dose and the effect of gender and body size on outcome in the HEMO Study. Kidney Int 2004 Apr;65(4):1386-94.


Gender and body size have been associated with survival in hemodialysis populations. In recent observational studies, overall mortality was similar in men and women and higher in small patients. The effect of dialysis dose in each of these subgroups has not been tested in a clinical trial.