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Luis Carlos Saiz, Javier Gorricho, Javier Garjón, Mª Concepción Celaya, Juan Erviti, Leire Leache


We found there is probably little to no diCerence in total mortality and cardiovascular mortality between people with hypertension and cardiovascular disease treated to a lower compared to a standard blood pressure target. There may also be little to no diCerence in serious adverse events or total cardiovascular events. This suggests that no net health benefit is derived from a lower systolic blood pressure target. We found very limited evidence on withdrawals due to adverse eCects, which led to high uncertainty. At present, evidence is insuCicient to justify lower blood pressure targets (135/85 mmHg or less) in people with hypertension and established cardiovascular disease. Several trials are still ongoing, which may provide an important input to this topic in the near future.