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Clarke, William (2020). Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes with LEA29Y (Belatacept) Maintenance Therapy (CIT-04/08) (Version 1) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes with LEA29Y (Belatacept) Maintenance Therapy (CIT-04/08) [(Version 1)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The CIT-04/08 study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the CIT-04/08 ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the CIT-04/08 study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the CIT-04/08 study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 1 (Updated on: Dec 16, 2020)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

The CIT consortium conducted a total of 9 studies across North America (CIT02 through CIT08) and the Nordic region (CIT01). CIT08 was a long-term follow-up study for interested participants at the North American sites. The target population was individuals with type 1 diabetes, normal kidney function, and intractable hypoglycemia. All studies treated participants with up to 3 separate infusions of islets. The focus of CIT04 was to evaluate the effectiveness of an IS regimen that included belatacept. For immunosuppression, CIT04 subjects received belatacept, basiliximab, and mycophenolate mofetil in an open-label fashion.


CIT-04: The primary objective of this protocol is to assess the safety and efficacy of an immunosuppressive medication consisting of a monoclonal antibody IL-2 receptor blocker (basiliximab), belatacept and mycophenolate mofetil in islet transplantation. The primary efficacy measure will be the proportion of insulin-independent subjects at day 75 (+/- 5 days) following the first isletL transplant. The secondary objective is to assess islet graft function in the absence of calcineurin inhibitor drugs, with determination of success being the proportion of patients attaining and maintaining insulin independence after receiving a maximum of 3 islet transplants.

CIT-08: The primary objective is to provide extended follow-up for safety and efficacy and to support continued islet graft function to participants previously enrolled in CIT02, CIT03, CIT04, CIT05, CIT06, or CIT07.

Outcome Measure

The primary outcome measure was the proportion of participants with insulin independence at 75 days following the first transplant infusion. Secondary outcome measures included reduction in insulin requirements, mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, HbA1c levels, incidence of immune sensitization (defined by detected anti-HLA antibodies not present prior to transplantation), and quality of life.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who met the following criteria were eligible for enrollment:

  • Clinical history compatible with type 1 diabetes with onset at less than 40 years of age, insulin dependence for at least 5 years at study entry, and a sum of age and insulin dependent diabetes duration of at least 28
  • Absent stimulated C-peptide (less than 0.3 ng/mL) 60 and 90 minutes post-mixed-meal tolerance test
  • Involvement of intensive diabetes management, defined as: (1) Self-monitoring of glucose values no less than a mean of three times each day averaged over each week; (2) Administration of three or more insulin injections each day or insulin pump therapy; (3) Under the direction of an endocrinologist, diabetologist, or diabetes specialist with at least three evaluations during the 12 months prior to study enrollment
  • At least one episode of severe hypoglycemia in the 12 months prior to study enrollment
  • Reduced awareness of hypoglycemia.

Exclusion criteria are documented in the study protocol.


This study has been concluded, but results have not yet been published.

Research Area


Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus


Rabbit Anti-Thymocyte Globulin, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Intractable Hypoglycemia, Belatacept, Normal Kidney Function, Immunosuppresive Medication Regimen, Islet Cell Transplant, Basiliximab, Myocophenolate Mofetil

NIDDK Division

Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases


Target Population
Adults, Transplant Patients

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
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Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed for any research purpose
Non-Public Documents (0)
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Datasets (76)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Clarke Dataset
Captures data related to low blood sugar status and symptoms, including confusion, seizures, unconsciousness, and requiring intravenous glucose or glucagon 37txt (2.11 KB); csv (2.11 KB)
Pilot Endpoints Dataset
Captures data on primary endpoint criteria, information, and results10txt (502 B); csv (502 B)
Magnesium Dataset
Captures data on magnesium laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant148txt (3.53 KB); csv (3.53 KB)
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Captures diastolic blood pressure, number of days from initial transplant, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant152txt (3.46 KB); csv (3.46 KB)
BUN Dataset
Captures BUN test results and number of days from initial transplant161txt (3.69 KB); csv (3.69 KB)
Albumin Dataset
Captures albumin test results, units, and number of days from initial transplant162txt (3.7 KB); csv (3.7 KB)
Sodium Dataset
Captures sodium laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant163txt (3.83 KB); csv (3.83 KB)
Local LDL Dataset
Captures data on local LDL laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant60txt (1.67 KB); csv (1.67 KB)
EQ5D Dataset
Captures data from the EQ5D, including mobility, anxiety/depression, usual activities, pain/discomfort, health state, self-care, and overall index57txt (2.28 KB); csv (2.28 KB)
Local Total Cholesterol Dataset
Captures data on local total cholesterol laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant60txt (1.71 KB); csv (1.71 KB)
Lability Index (LI) Score Dataset
Captures Lability Index (LI) Score and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant33txt (796 B); csv (796 B)
Hematocrit Dataset
Captures data on hematocrit laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant164txt (4.01 KB); csv (4.01 KB)
Potassium Dataset
Captures potassium laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant163txt (3.8 KB); csv (3.8 KB)
General Assessment Dataset
Captures general assessment data, including tuberculosis results, ECG interpretation, stress test interpretation, X-ray results, urinalysis results, abdominal ultrasound interpretation, and myocardial scintigram interpretation42txt (2.3 KB); csv (2.3 KB)
Patient Status Dataset
Captures patient status data, including number of transplants and number of days since first transplant10txt (236 B); csv (236 B)
Endpoints Dataset
Captures endpoints data, including insulin independence and requirements such as reduction from baseline in HbA1c, capillary glucose count, maximum insulin, subject titrated off insulin, subject met fasting serum glucose criteria, subject met post-prandial criteria, etc.60txt (3.96 KB); csv (3.88 KB)
TSH Dataset
Captures TSH (mIU/L) laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant13txt (347 B); csv (347 B)
Systolic Blood Pressure Dataset
Captures systolic blood pressure (mm HG) and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant152txt (3.6 KB); csv (3.6 KB)
Manufacturing Dataset
Captures data on cobe process, if donor received high dose inotropic support, cross clamp, peak dose, glucose peak and low, creatinine peak and low, sodium peak and low, ALT peak and low, insulin administration, cardiac arrest duration, if donor was hemodiluted, total volume of blood, colloid, and crystalloid transfused, test blood sample, if donor is suitable, pulmozyme, collagenase lot number, enzymatic time, packed tissue volume, disposition, fungal cultures, etc. 15txt (17.37 KB); csv (17.39 KB)
Blood Type HLA Dataset
Captures data on blood type and HLA25txt (941 B); csv (941 B)
Beta Score Dataset
Captures data on fasting glucose score, HbA1c score, insulin score, stimulated Cpeptide at 90 minutes score, beta score (sum of glucscore, hba1score, insulin score, and cpepscore) and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant39txt (1.08 KB); csv (1.08 KB)
AST Dataset
Captures AST test results, time point indicator based on initial and final transplant, and number of days from initial transplant162txt (3.71 KB); csv (3.71 KB)
Lymphocyte Dataset
Captures data on lymphocytes laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant161txt (3.85 KB); csv (3.85 KB)
Neutrophils Dataset
Captures neutrophil laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant161txt (3.86 KB); csv (3.86 KB)
Local HDL Dataset
Captures data on local HDL laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant60txt (1.65 KB); csv (1.65 KB)
Blood Sugar Dataset
Captures blood sugar reading measurement (mg/DL), meal time indicator, autonomic, confusion, neurologic, seizure, and visual hypoglycemia symptoms, and treatment for reaction 11756txt (566.3 KB); csv (566.3 KB)
Islet Equivalent (IEQ) Infused Dataset
Captures data on islet equivalent (IEQ) infused results15txt (1.01 KB); csv (1.01 KB)
Trough Level Dataset
Captures data on drug name and trough level (ng/ML)5txt (214 B); csv (214 B)
Atherogenic Dataset
Captures data on atherogenic information and results9txt (601 B); csv (601 B)
Albumin Creatinine GFR Components Dataset
Captures albumin-creatinine and GFR components test results, including urine creatinine, urine microalbumin, microalbumin/creatinine ratio, iohexol, body surface area, and coefficient of determination71txt (3.89 KB); csv (3.89 KB)
Alkaline Phosphatase Dataset
Captures alkaline phosphatase test results, units, and number of days from initial transplant162txt (3.66 KB); csv (3.66 KB)
Calcium Dataset
Captures data on calcium laboratory value, unit, and number of days from initial transplant163txt (3.92 KB); csv (3.92 KB)
Gamma GT Dataset
Captures Gamma GT value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant147txt (3.29 KB); csv (3.29 KB)
Retinopathy Dataset
Captures retinopathy data, including retinopathy stage of each eye and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant12txt (373 B); csv (373 B)
CO2 Dataset
Captures data on CO2 laboratory value, unit, and number of days from initial transplant162txt (3.64 KB); csv (3.64 KB)
Safety Dataset
Captures data on safety and adverse events, including system organ class, severity, and relation to islet, immunosuppression, or drug124txt (9.5 KB); csv (9.52 KB)
Local Serum Creatinine Dataset
Captures data on local serum creatinine laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant163txt (3.84 KB); csv (3.84 KB)
Local Triglycerides Dataset
Captures data on local triglycerides cholesterol laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant60txt (1.73 KB); csv (1.73 KB)
Diabetes Distress Scale Dataset
Captures data related to diabetes distress, including emotional burden, regimen distress, interpersonal distress, and physician distress58txt (5.41 KB); csv (5.41 KB)
Hypoglycemic Score Dataset
Captures data on composite hypoglycemic score and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant33txt (689 B); csv (689 B)
Central HDL Dataset
Captures data on central HDL laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant9txt (283 B); csv (283 B)
FSIGT AIRglu Dataset
Captures data on acute insulin response to glucose (AIRglu) derived from FSIGT and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant33txt (1.13 KB); csv (1.13 KB)
Hypoglycemic Recall Dataset
Captures recall data related to hypoglycemia, including number of hypoglycemic episodes in the past year the subject needed help to recognize, help to treat, or required an ambulance call28txt (838 B); csv (838 B)
Auto Antibodies Dataset
Captures data on positive baseline IAA, positive baseline GAD65, and positive baseline ICA51254txt (1.92 KB); csv (1.92 KB)
Mage Dataset
Captures data on mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE) (mg/dL) and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant41txt (910 B); csv (910 B)
Pulse Dataset
Captures pulse (beats/min) data and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant152txt (3.47 KB); csv (3.47 KB)
Serology Dataset
Captures serology data including viruses such as HIV, hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, etc.36txt (1.38 KB); csv (1.38 KB)
Central LDL Dataset
Captures data on central LDL laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant9txt (284 B); csv (284 B)
Bilirubin Dataset
Captures data on bilirubin laboratory value, unit, and number of days from initial transplant162txt (3.68 KB); csv (3.68 KB)
Phosphorus Dataset
Captures phosphorus laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant147txt (3.52 KB); csv (3.52 KB)
Insulin Dataset
Captures data on insulin use (units/day) and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant1922txt (43.66 KB); csv (43.66 KB)
CGMS Dataset
Captures data on glucose average sensor value, number of episodes, duration, etc.20txt (3.18 KB); csv (3.18 KB)
Chloride Dataset
Captures data on chloride laboratory value, unit, and number of days from initial transplant163txt (3.83 KB); csv (3.83 KB)
WHO Coding Dataset
Captures WHO coding information304txt (10.97 KB); csv (10.97 KB)
Manufacturing Other Dataset
Captures data on all other information and results associated with study manufacturing15txt (10.56 KB); csv (10.56 KB)
Hemoglobin Dataset
Captures data on hemoglobin laboratory value, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant164txt (4.03 KB); csv (4.03 KB)
PTT Dataset
Captures partial thromboplastin time (seconds) data and number of days from initial transplant25txt (564 B); csv (564 B)
White Blood Count Dataset
Captures white blood count laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant164txt (3.89 KB); csv (3.89 KB)
SF-36 Dataset
Captures patient-reported data on quality of life and well-being from the SF-36 Health Survey58txt (6.38 KB); csv (6.38 KB)
Cpeptide Glucose Creatinine Dataset
Captures data on graft function, fasting and stimulated Cpeptide, fasting and stimulated glucose, and creatinine ratio152txt (9.3 KB); csv (9.3 KB)
Central Total Cholesterol Dataset
Captures data on central total cholesterol laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant9txt (293 B); csv (293 B)
FSIGT Raw Dataset
Captures data on glucose (mg/dL), insulin (Tosoh) (uU/mL), and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant776txt (24.68 KB); csv (24.68 KB)
Drug Dose Dataset
Captures data on drug dose and administration326txt (13.03 KB); csv (13.66 KB)
HbA1c Dataset
Captures data on HbA1c derived from the Washington lab and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant80txt (1.98 KB); csv (1.98 KB)
Hypoglycemia Fear Survey Dataset
Captures data from the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey, which measures feelings of worries and fears related to hypoglycemia58txt (5.79 KB); csv (5.79 KB)
Platelets Dataset
Captures platelets laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant163txt (3.89 KB); csv (3.89 KB)
Rudbeck Clinical Dataset
Captures data on Cpeptide (pmol/L), C3a (ug/L), and TAT III complex (ug/L)70txt (2.56 KB); csv (2.56 KB)
Mean Insulin Dataset
Captures mean insulin (units/day) over a 7 consecutive day interval (7 closest days prior to transplant for baseline), weight, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant36txt (1.9 KB); csv (1.9 KB)
PRA Dataset
Captures data on percent calculated PRA and number of days from initial transplant87txt (1.64 KB); csv (1.64 KB)
ALT Dataset
Captures ALT test results, time point indicator based on initial and final transplant, and number of days from initial transplant161txt (3.69 KB); csv (3.69 KB)
PT Dataset
Captures prothrombin time (seconds) data and number of days from initial transplant26txt (596 B); csv (596 B)
Glomerular Filtration Rate Dataset
Captures glomerular filtration rate, unit, and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant46txt (1.26 KB); csv (1.26 KB)
Demographics Dataset
Captures demographic data including gender, age at first transplant, race; also captures data on duration of diabetes, weight, and BMI10txt (510 B); csv (510 B)
Medical History Dataset
Captures medical history data including allergies, hospitalizations, and any conditions10txt (624 B); csv (624 B)
Weight Dataset
Captures weight (kg) data and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant152txt (3.71 KB); csv (3.71 KB)
Central Triglycerides Dataset
Captures data on central triglycerides cholesterol laboratory value and time point indicator based on initial and final transplant9txt (292 B); csv (292 B)
Specimens (772)
Specimens Table
Islet Cells4