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Barnhart, Huiman (2017). DILIN: Prospective (DILIN Pro) (Version 4) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from the DILIN: Prospective (DILIN Pro) [(Version 4)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The DILIN Pro study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the DILIN Pro ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the DILIN Pro study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the DILIN Pro study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 4 (Updated on: Dec 18, 2017)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

The Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) was established in 2003 as a cooperative agreement among the National Institutes of Health, 5 academic clinical centers, and a data coordinating center. A major emphasis of DILIN has been to establish a protocol for the identification and enrollment of patients with clinically significant DILI into a prospective observational study and to create a registry and specimen repository of biological samples that could be used for mechanistic studies on the etiology and prevention of DILI.

The DILIN prospective study is an ongoing multicenter observational study. Patients (2 years of age or older) were enrolled in this study if there was a strong clinical suspicion that a liver injury event was caused by a medication or an herbal agent occurring within 6 months before enrollment. Additionally, patients must meet one of the biochemical criteria for enrollment into this study.

Data from the DILIN Prospective study through the grant 3 cycle (2018) are available from the Repository.


The goals of this study are to develop a database of recent DILI cases, identify the clinical, environmental and genetic risk factors that predict DILI, develop standardized instruments and terminology and perform careful longitudinal follow-up of DILI subjects. Biological samples collected will be used in future studies of the mechanisms and genetics of DILI.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Age > 2 years at time of enrollment
  • Evidence of liver injury that is known or suspected to be related to consumption of a drug or CAM product in the 6-month period prior to enrollment.
  • Documented clinically important DILI, defined as any of the following:
    1. ALT or AST >5 x ULN or A P’ase >2 x ULN confirmed on at least 2 consecutive blood draws in patients with previously normal values
    2. If baseline (BL) ALT, AST or A P’ase are known to be elevated, then ALT or AST > 5 x BL or A P’ase > 2 x BL on at least 2 consecutive blood draws. “Baseline” is defined as the average of at least 2 measurements performed during the 12-month period prior to starting the DILI medication.
    3. Any elevation of ALT, A P’ase, or AST, associated with (a) increased total bilirubin (≥ 2.5 mg/dL), in absence of prior diagnosis of liver disease, Gilbert’s syndrome, or evidence of hemolysis or (b) coagulopathy with INR > 1.5 in absence of Coumadin therapy or known vitamin K deficiency
  • Exclusion: competing cause of acute liver injury, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, other chronic biliary tract diseases, acetaminophen hepatotoxicity, liver/bone marrow transplant prior to the development of drug or CAM induced liver injury

Research Area

Liver Disease

Study Type


Study Sites

5 academic clinical centers

Study Start Date


Study End Date



Drug-Induced Liver Injury


Liver Elastography (FibroScans), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (Alk Phos), Serum Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI), Non-Prescription Medication Use, Complementary and Alternative Medications (CAM) Use

NIDDK Division

Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition


Target Population
Children, Adults, Dialysis Patients

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format

Non-Public Documents (2)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (114)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
History of Injury 1 Dataset
Captures injury history; data includes drug of CAM product, rechallenged, continued, or stopped, start/stop date, WHO drug code, etc.3033sas7bdat (1.38 MB); csv (425.74 KB)
HIV RNA Flow Chart Dataset
Captures HIV RNA value and visit name396sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (21.15 KB)
Inflammation Dataset
Captures data on type on interface hepatitis, lobular inflammation, portal inflammation, confluent necrosis, granulomas, plasma cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphoid aggregates, bridging necrosis, and lipogranulomas512sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (32.4 KB)
Screening Dataset
Captures screening data including inclusion and exclusion criteria2056sas7bdat (704 KB); csv (202.95 KB)
Personal History Questionnaire 1 Dataset
Captures personal history questionnaire responses; data is related to HIV/Hepatitis risk factors686sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (68.74 KB)
Physical Exam 1 Dataset
Captures vital signs, weight, and height data from physical exam3720sas7bdat (768 KB); csv (257.39 KB)
Symptoms Dataset
Captures data on symptoms such as skin rash, nausea, poor appetite, pain over the liver area, tired or fatigued, itching of the skin, muscle/joint aches and pain, fever and chills, weakness of the arms or legs, depressed/sadness, and how the subject feels overall2453sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (189.07 KB)
Protocol Exemption Dataset
Captures reasons for patient exemption from protocol1983sas7bdat (704 KB); csv (220.83 KB)
Interval HIV Status C Dataset
Captures HIV infection since last visit, HIV progression to AIDS, date of HIV diagnosis, and date of AIDS diagnosis2082sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (144.51 KB)
RAND 36 Health Survey 2 Dataset
Captures data on health status and quality of life from patient-reported SF-36 Health Survey2355sas7bdat (512 KB); csv (144.1 KB)
Chronic Inclusion/Exclusion Dataset
Captures data on inclusion/exclusion criteria (liver transplant by 6 month visit, chronic HBV or HCV prior to implicated med start, persistently elevated liver function test, etc.)1637sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (100.71 KB)
HIV/Hepatitis Risk Factors Dataset
Captures data on exposures including blood transfusions, relationships, direct contact with patient body fluids/secretions, injection drug use, substance use, needle stick injury travel outside USA in 6 months before sick with liver injury, etc.223sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (25.83 KB)
Laboratory Results Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, AST, albumin, INR, etc.)475sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (50.63 KB)
General Medication Compliance Dataset
Captures general medication compliance information; data includes taking medications more or less frequently than prescribed and how closely the subject follows the medication schedule1369sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (67.64 KB)
Standard Lab Flow Chart Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (serum direct bilirubin, BUN, INR, neutrophils, serum creatinine, blood platelets, cholesterol, serum albumin, potassium, lymphocytes, etc.)20508sas7bdat (5.63 MB); csv (2.1 MB)
Smoking History Dataset
Captures smoking history data, including oldest age, cigarettes per day, youngest age, cigars per day, and pipes per week749sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (41.91 KB)
Fibrosis Dataset
Captures data on fibrosis stage and perisinusoidal degree512sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (24.74 KB)
Biopsy 1 Dataset
Captures data on stains available, bridging necrosis, total portal areas, biopsy type, inflammation, specimen type, liver length, stage, neutrophils, interface hepatitis, plasma cells, acute cholangitis, etc.254sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (29.07 KB)
Research Samples Dataset
Captures data on whether blood sample was provided, subject received a liver biopsy, urine sample provided, and dates of blood and urine collection4042sas7bdat (704 KB); csv (237.32 KB)
Early Withdrawal and Study Completion Dataset
Captures data on early withdrawal and study completion, including primary reason, death, sepsis, renal failure, etc., date of event, and whether the participant completed the study1938sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (172.62 KB)
Anti-HEV Dataset
Captures anti-HEV testing visit date1931sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (98.1 KB)
Past Allergy History Dataset
Captures allergy history data, including agents, standardized medication names, WHO drug codes, and past reactions1899sas7bdat (960 KB); csv (187.09 KB)
Emergency Room, Hospital, and Medical Appointment History Dataset
Captures ER, hospital, and medical appointment history; data includes inform visit name/number, admitted to emergency room since last visit, seen by other physician since last visit, and admitted to hospital since last visit2168sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (104.06 KB)
Personal History Questionnaire 8 Dataset
Captures personal history questionnaire responses; data includes types of meat257sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (19.24 KB)
HCV RNA Flow Chart Dataset
Captures HCV RNA value, units, and results274sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (16.64 KB)
Concomitant CAM Products Dataset
Captures concomitant CAM products information, such as brand name, common name, continuing status, WHO drug code, start/stop date, and standardized medication name3748sas7bdat (1.5 MB); csv (436.27 KB)
Standard Labs 2 Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (serum direct bilirubin, BUN, INR, neutrophils, serum creatinine, blood platelets, cholesterol, serum albumin, potassium, lymphocytes, etc.)3860sas7bdat (1.75 MB); csv (620.06 KB)
Past Medical History - Liver Specific Dataset
Captures liver-specific past medical history; data includes type of liver disease and active condition413sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (19.12 KB)
Questionnaires 1 Dataset
Captures data on alcohol use and smoking habits over past 5 years1978sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (104.53 KB)
Interval HIV Status 1 Dataset
Captures HIV status data including any infections, pertinent serologies/serum level tests performed, and urine toxicology results60sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (9.21 KB)
Signs and Symptoms 2 Dataset
Captures data on symptoms and signs of liver injury, including first onset date669sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (43.42 KB)
Past Medical History 1 Dataset
Captures past medical history; data includes past and active conditions7812sas7bdat (1 MB); csv (360.14 KB)
CAMMED 2 Dataset
Captures CAM ingredient number and list of ingredients4939sas7bdat (1.13 MB); csv (406.15 KB)
Travel History Dataset
Captures data on type of area, country, and duration20sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (1.57 KB)
Acute Blood Samples and Labs Dataset
Captures data on whether acute blood samples or labs were drawn129sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (5.67 KB)
Judgement Dataset
Captures data on causality process, implicated drug assessment, reviewer, DILIN's severity score, symptoms, implicated drug WHO name and code, alternative diagnosis, death due to DILI, re-assessment reason, transplant listing, patient vital status, etc.11825sas7bdat (59.38 MB); csv (2.72 MB)
Biopsy Demographics Dataset
Captures biopsy demographics data, including specimen type, total portal areas, liver weight, and stains available512sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (45.5 KB)
Visit Status Dataset
Captures data on whether the patient completed the visit6342sas7bdat (960 KB); csv (326 KB)
Pharmacy 1 Dataset
Captures data on source of prescription medications, including mail-order pharmacy, local independently owned pharmacy, national pharmacy chain, samples from doctors' offices, hospital or clinic-based pharmacy, and how many different pharmacies during the last 12 months500sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (34 KB)
Interval General Smoking History Dataset
Captures smoking data including regular tobacco inhalation and smoking preference (pipe, cigar, cigarette)221sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (11.44 KB)
Past Surgical History Dataset
Captures dates of any past surgeries2928sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (144.18 KB)
Skinner Alcohol Consumption Dataset
Captures data related to alcohol consumption, including peer group, legal/jail, work, frequency, family, age range, residence, maximum, drug abuse, and beer, wine, and liquor consumption1784sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (198.95 KB)
Imaging Studies Dataset
Captures imaging studies data, including biliary dilation, ascites, splenomegaly, spleen diameter, hepatomegaly, gallstones, liver tumor, normal study, etc.5413sas7bdat (1.25 MB); csv (457.16 KB)
Interval History/Questionnaires Dataset
Captures any changes in medical history, liver-specific medical history, surgical history, or allergy history since last visit2059sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (102.68 KB)
Enrollment Dataset
Captures enrollment data including study (prospective or retrospective), date of visit, and subject IDs2056sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (55.88 KB)
Personal History Questionnaire 2 Dataset
Captures personal history questionnaire responses; data includes type of animal162sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (7 KB)
Biopsy 2 Dataset
Captures data on stain used, hepatocyte rosettes, hemorrhage, CK 7 evaluation, lobular disarray, mallory bodies, ballooning degeneration, nodular transformation, etc.254sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (25.77 KB)
Physical Exam 2 Dataset
Captures any abnormalities and/or conditions data from physical exam3670sas7bdat (896 KB); csv (254.66 KB)
Miscellaneous Changes Dataset
Captures data on miscellaneous biopsy changes that do not require stains, such as hepatocyte ground glass change, mallory bodies, lipen-laden stellate cells, etc.512sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (28.96 KB)
Special Stain Evaluation Dataset
Captures special stain evaluation (only performed if particular stain is available) data, such as iron, copper, and PAS/diastase stains512sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (28.02 KB)
Hepatitis Status Dataset
Captures hepatitis status data, including type of infection and historic laboratory test results2036sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (123.36 KB)
RAND 36 Health Survey 3 Dataset
Captures data on health status and quality of life from patient-reported SF-36 Health Survey2351sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (162.31 KB)
Questionnaires 2 Dataset
Captures data on alcohol use and smoking habits since last visit1795sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (91.82 KB)
Hospitalization Visit Dataset
Captures hospitalization data including any abdominal imaging studies performed, liver function tests performed, total days in hospital, admitted date, and discharge date840sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (55.01 KB)
Interval HIV Status A Dataset
Captures positive substances from urine toxicology among patients with HIV13sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (751 B)
Interval Hepatitis Status Dataset
Captures data on hepatitis C or hepatitis B diagnoses since last visit, HBV DNA results since last visit, use of non-implicated hepatitis C medication since last visit, any Anti-HBe, HCV RNA, or HBeAG results since last visit1653sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (92.1 KB)
Diagnostic Labs 3 Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (beta, gamma, serum protein electrophoresis, additional ANA or ASMA, albumin, alpha-2, alpha-1)2007sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (140.14 KB)
Signs and Symptoms Dataset
Captures signs and symptoms and their date of onset8402sas7bdat (1.19 MB); csv (440.09 KB)
Annual Concomitant Medications Dataset
Captures annual concomitant medication information, including standardized medication name, WHO ATC code and text, WHO drug code, continuing, and start and stop date2243sas7bdat (1 MB); csv (305.47 KB)
Signs and Symptoms 1 Dataset
Captures data on symptoms and signs of liver injury, including first onset date1588sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (102.46 KB)
Interval Hepatitis Status 2 Dataset
Captures data on non-implicated hepatitis medications since last visit417sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (18.68 KB)
Interval HIV Status 2 Dataset
Captures HIV status serology unit, type, value, results, and date424sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (30.34 KB)
CD4 Flow Chart Dataset
Captures data on CD4+ laboratory test results428sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (22.62 KB)
History of Injury 2 Dataset
Captures liver injury history; data includes liver transplant, hospitalization, disruption to daily living, seen by gastroenterologist/hepatologist for DILI event, thrombocytopenia, serum sickness, hemolytic anemia, etc.2036sas7bdat (768 KB); csv (241.49 KB)
CAMMED 3 Dataset
Captures medication frequency, HDS #, dose, route, unit, continuing status, indication, and start/stop date820sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (78.71 KB)
Drug Specific Medication Compliance Dataset
Captures drug compliance data including drug name and whether the prescribed medication schedule is followed2345sas7bdat (640 KB); csv (159.82 KB)
Implicated DILI Medication Dataset
Captured implicated DILI medication information; data includes frequency, route, indication, medication, unit, dose, start/stop date, WHO drug code, WHO ATC code, and WHO ATC text3506sas7bdat (2.95 MB); csv (649.46 KB)
Abdominal Imaging Studies Dataset
Captures whether abdominal imaging studies were performed and the inform visit name2110sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (92.74 KB)
HIV Status Dataset
Captures whether the patient has a known HIV infection2038sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (101.3 KB)
Source of Prescription Medications Dataset
Captures data on source of prescription medications, including mail-order pharmacy, local independently owned pharmacy, national pharmacy chain, samples from doctors' offices, hospital or clinic-based pharmacy, and how many different pharmacies during the last 12 months1316sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (87.65 KB)
Blood Draw Details Dataset
Captures information about patient's location during blood draw, including visit, date of admission, date of discharge, and date of collection445sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (29.45 KB)
Major Medical Outcomes Dataset
Captures major medical outcomes; data includes liver transplant and death2146sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (111.73 KB)
Concomitant History Dataset
Captures concomitant history, including any CAM products and medications used during the study2018sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (86.4 KB)
Medical Appointment History Dataset
Captures medical appointment history data, including any liver function tests performed, abdominal imaging studies performed, and whether the emergency room visit was DILI-related8497sas7bdat (1.25 MB); csv (460.6 KB)
Emergency Room Visit Dataset
Captures emergency room visit information including whether the visit was DILI-related, total days in hospital, whether abdominal imaging studies were performed, whether liver function tests were performed, date of admittance, and date of discharge604sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (40.87 KB)
Personal History Questionnaire 3 Dataset
Captures personal history questionnaire responses; data includes type of area609sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (25.94 KB)
Pattern Dataset
Captures data on pattern of injury (vascular, granulomatous, acute cholestatic, chronic cholestatic, mixed or unclassified, absolutely normal, hepatocellular alteration, etc.)512sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (22.28 KB)
Standard Labs (Within 4 Weeks Prior to Onset) Dataset
Captures laboratory test results within 4 weeks prior to onset (serum direct bilirubin, BUN, INR, neutrophils, serum creatinine, blood platelets, cholesterol, serum albumin, potassium, lymphocytes, etc.)1217sas7bdat (704 KB); csv (230.63 KB)
Fibroscan Dataset
Captures data on current waist, hip, and chest circumference, weight, highest fibro scan velocity, sex, shortening fraction, CAP measurements, last food/drink, pregnancy test results, etc.277sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (77.22 KB)
Interval HIV Status B Dataset
Captures positive test result substance among patients with HIV8sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (498 B)
HBeAG Flow Chart Dataset
Captures HBeAg laboratory result66sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (3.42 KB)
Diagnostic Labs 2 Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (serum ferritin, serum IgA, anti CMV IgM, serum iron, serum alpha-1 antitrypsin, serum transferrin, etc.)2026sas7bdat (1 MB); csv (341.35 KB)
Concomitant Medications Dataset
Captures concomitant medications data, such as brand name, common name, continuing status, WHO drug code, start/stop date, and standardized medication name27462sas7bdat (11.25 MB); csv (3.56 MB)
CAMMED 4 Dataset
Captures data including prescribed medication and reason3sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (381 B)
McKesson Dataset
Captures McKesson visit number85372sas7bdat (6 MB); csv (4.31 MB)
Captures data on HCV comments, genotype, test type, results, etc.998sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (127.94 KB)
Interval HIV Status 3 Dataset
Captures HIV status data including any infections, pertinent serologies/serum level tests performed, and urine toxicology results53sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (7.79 KB)
Urinalysis Dataset
Captures urinalysis results, including RBC value, bacteria value, crystals, bilirubin, protein/albumin, and other values1322sas7bdat (896 KB); csv (176.93 KB)
RUCAM Score Dataset
Captures data on reviewer, calculated RUCAM score, name of implicated drug/CAM, and implicated drug WHO name and code45867sas7bdat (16.56 MB); csv (4.14 MB)
General Smoking History Dataset
Captures smoking data including duration of smoking in years, regular tobacco inhalation and smoking preference (cigarette, pipe, cigar)515sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (27.49 KB)
Annual Concomitant History Dataset
Captures annual concomitant history data, including visit name and any CAM products or medications used within 4 weeks of annual visit402sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (18.82 KB)
Anti-HBe Flow Chart Dataset
Captures anti-HBe laboratory result54sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (2.81 KB)
HIV Medication Log Dataset
Captures HIV medication log data, including continuing status, route, medication, dose, unit, frequency, start/stop date, WHO drug code, and standardized medication name179sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (20.23 KB)
Liver Biopsy for Hepatitis Patients Dataset
Captures liver biopsy data for hepatitis patients, including length of specimen, adequacy of biopsy, inflammation, fibrosis stage, steatosis, iron storage, etc.8sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (714 B)
RAND 36 Health Survey 1 Dataset
Captures data on health status and quality of life from patient-reported SF-36 Health Survey2364sas7bdat (576 KB); csv (153.93 KB)
Anti-HDV (Total) Flow Chart Dataset
Captures anti-HDV laboratory result11sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (647 B)
Serology Flow Chart Dataset
Captures serology data including value, type of test, results, and threshold value862sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (54.07 KB)
Biopsy Collection Dataset
Captures data on biopsy collection, such as cryovial/cryomold, slides to, DILI biopsy type, etc.837sas7bdat (320 KB); csv (78.44 KB)
Cholestasis Dataset
Captures cholestasis data on degree and presence or absence of hepatocellular, canalicular, cholangiolar, and ductal; also collects data on ductular reaction, duct injury, duct paucity, and acute cholangitis512sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (32.92 KB)
Vascular Dataset
Captures data on veno-occlusive changes in central veins, central vein endophlebitis, portal venopathy, hemorrhage, sinusoidal dilation, and nodular transformation512sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (28.9 KB)
Steatosis Dataset
Captures steatosis data including character, location, and degree512sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (25.75 KB)
Personal History Questionnaire 12 Dataset
Captures personal history questionnaire responses; data includes direct contact with patient fluids/secretions and history of needle stick exposure or injury at work69sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (3.14 KB)
RUCDR CT Dataset
Captures shipment status, DNA yield (ug), total tub, volume, cryopreserved date, blood received date, and sample drawn date5241sas7bdat (3.19 MB); csv (334.13 KB)
Standard Labs 1 Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (serum direct bilirubin, BUN, INR, neutrophils, serum creatinine, blood platelets, cholesterol, serum albumin, potassium, lymphocytes, etc.)3861sas7bdat (1.5 MB); csv (512.83 KB)
Hepatitis Medications Log Dataset
Captures data on medications including continuing status, start/stop date, standardized medication name, and WHO drug code42sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (4.38 KB)
Annual Concomitant CAM Products Dataset
Captures annual concomitant CAM product use information, including standardized medication name, WHO drug code, common name, and start and stop date345sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (40.87 KB)
Diagnostic Labs 1 Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (Anti-HIV, ANA, ASNA, anti-HDV, serum ceruloplasmin, HBeAg, etc.)2027sas7bdat (1.56 MB); csv (522.37 KB)
CAMMED 1 Dataset
Captures product name, product line, HDS #, HDS ingredients available, manufacturer's name, standardized medication name, and WHO drug code770sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (120.5 KB)
Hepatitis Injury Dataset
Captures data on ballooning degeneration, apoptosis, coagulative necrosis location and degree, and lobular disarray512sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (26.29 KB)
Signs and Symptoms 3 Dataset
Captures data on symptoms and signs of liver injury, including first onset date552sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (33.43 KB)
Liver Test Flow Chart Dataset
Captures laboratory test results (AST, serum total bilirubin, AST, INR ratio, etc.)33571sas7bdat (9.31 MB); csv (3.71 MB)
Demographics Dataset
Captures demographic data including sex, race, and age category2056sas7bdat (384 KB); csv (116.17 KB)
Past Medical History 2 Dataset
Captures past medical history; data includes past surgeries, allergies, imaging studies, liver conditions, and any other medical conditions/diseases2039sas7bdat (448 KB); csv (114.98 KB)
HBV DNA Flow Chart Dataset
Captures HBV DNA value, units, and results85sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (5.17 KB)
Specimens (138,512)
Specimens Table
EBV Transformed Cell Lines985
Externally Produced Serum686
Liver Tissue10