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Landis, Richard (2016). Evaluate the Efficacy of Intravesical Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) (ICCTG RCT#2) (Version 2) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Evaluate the Efficacy of Intravesical Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), for the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) (ICCTG RCT#2) [(Version 2)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The ICCTG RCT#2 study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the ICCTG RCT#2 ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the ICCTG RCT#2 study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the ICCTG RCT#2 study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 2 (Updated on: May 16, 2016)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

The ICCTG RCT2 study was a randomized, placebo-controlled, two-arm clinical trial that investigated the efficacy and safety of intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) therapy in treating patients with treatment refractory Interstitial Cystitis (IC). IC is a bladder syndrome characterized as painful, debilitating and chronic, with no widely accepted effective treatment. Characteristic symptoms include pain with bladder filling, and marked urinary frequency (to relieve pain). The presentation of symptoms can be quite variable among patients, suggesting that IC is a multi-factorial syndrome with several proposed etiologies, some of which may be interrelated.

Subjects with IC were randomized to 6 weekly double-blinded intravesical instillations of either BCG or placebo, and then followed for a total of 34 weeks. The primary outcome was a patient reported global response assessment at week 34, supplemented with medications for IC during weeks 31 to 34 recorded in a diary. Although the safety profile for BCG was acceptable, the therapy did not show significant benefit compared to placebo.


The primary objective of the ICCTG RCT2 study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BCG therapy in treating patients with treatment refractory interstitial cystitis (IC).

Outcome Measure

The primary outcome measure was a patient- reported Global Response Assessment (GRA) at week 34, supplemented with medications for IC during weeks 31 to 34. Secondary outcome measures included a 24-hour voiding diary, pain, urgency, validated IC symptom indexes and adverse events.

Eligibility Criteria

The study enrolled participants who met the National Institutes of Health-National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases criteria for IC, and reported at least moderate pain and frequency for a minimum of 24 weeks before study entry.


Small improvements were observed for all secondary outcomes, some more so with BCG, but these differences were of borderline statistical significance. Although the safety profile for BCG was acceptable, the therapy did not show significant benefit compared to placebo.

Research Area

Urologic Diseases

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Interstitial Cystitis


Clinical Trial, Urogenital Disease, Interstitial Cystitis Research, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Therapy, Painful Bladder Syndrome Research

NIDDK Division

Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases


Target Population

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
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Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed for health, medical, or biomedical research purposes
Non-Public Documents (5)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (42)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Voiding Log Phase I Dataset
Captures voiding log data17506sas7bdat (969 KB); csv (398.17 KB)
Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36TM) Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36TM) data1262sas7bdat (417 KB); csv (115.72 KB)
Derived analytic dataset with one record per patient213sas7bdat (37 KB); csv (16.62 KB)
Study Stop Point Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures study stop point data265sas7bdat (49 KB); csv (16.68 KB)
Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events Phase II Dataset
Captures adverse event data99sas7bdat (17 KB); csv (4.22 KB)
Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36TM) Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36TM) data1398sas7bdat (449 KB); csv (128.22 KB)
Voiding Diary Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures voiding diary data983sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (62.25 KB)
Participant Close-Out Phase I Dataset
Captures participant close-out data237sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (7.04 KB)
Maryland Dilution Factor Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Maryland dilution factor data660sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (18.27 KB)
Randomization Dataset
Captures randomization data265sas7bdat (13 KB); csv (7.02 KB)
Voiding Log Phase II Dataset
Captures voiding log data1024sas7bdat (65 KB); csv (23.67 KB)
Rochester Lab Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Rochester Lab biomarker data757sas7bdat (65 KB); csv (59.95 KB)
Maryland Creatinine Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Maryland creatinine data660sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (15.63 KB)
Voiding Diary Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures voiding diary data91sas7bdat (17 KB); csv (5.84 KB)
Concomitant Medications Phase I Dataset
Captures concomitant medications data2301sas7bdat (153 KB); csv (83.77 KB)
Randomization Arm Dataset
Captures randomization arm data600sas7bdat (17 KB); csv (7.52 KB)
Maryland APF Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Maryland APF data660sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (55.37 KB)
University of Wisconsin Symptom Survey Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures University of Wisconsin Symptom Survey data1262sas7bdat (305 KB); csv (88.53 KB)
Yale Lab Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Yale Lab biomarker data75sas7bdat (5 KB); csv (2.21 KB)
Adverse Event Log Phase I Dataset
Captures adverse event data5899sas7bdat (6.59 MB); csv (605.72 KB)
Patient Medical History Baseline Derived Dataset
Captures patient medical history baseline data265sas7bdat (129 KB); csv (32.86 KB)
Maryland EGF Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Maryland EGF data660sas7bdat (89 KB); csv (52.73 KB)
Derived analytic dataset with one record per patient225sas7bdat (81 KB); csv (63.69 KB)
Treatment Stop Point Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures treatment stop point data376sas7bdat (41 KB); csv (16.34 KB)
Baseline Visit 2 Symptoms Information Derived Dataset
Captures baseline symptoms information at visit 2265sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (7.05 KB)
Maryland Clinical Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Merged Primaryanaldata with all MD (Maryland) data660sas7bdat (584 KB); csv (186.71 KB)
Instillation/Dosing Information Derived Dataset
Captures instillation/dosing information1542sas7bdat (289 KB); csv (140.16 KB)
Treatment Stop Point Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures treatment stop point data263sas7bdat (33 KB); csv (11.39 KB)
Adverse Event Log Phase II Dataset
Captures adverse event data105sas7bdat (129 KB); csv (9.85 KB)
Iowa Lab Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Iowa Lab biomarker data992sas7bdat (117 KB); csv (84.09 KB)
Demographics Information Baseline Derived Dataset
Captures demographics information at baseline265sas7bdat (37 KB); csv (14.39 KB)
Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index and Problem Index Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index and Problem Index data1261sas7bdat (145 KB); csv (53.25 KB)
Study Stop Point Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures study stop point data38sas7bdat (13 KB); csv (2.3 KB)
Follow-Up Symptoms Phase I Derived Dataset
Captures follow-up symptoms information998sas7bdat (89 KB); csv (33.28 KB)
Follow-Up Symptoms Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures follow-up symptoms information99sas7bdat (17 KB); csv (3.4 KB)
Baseline Visit 1 Symptoms Information Derived Dataset
Captures baseline symptoms information at visit 1265sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (7.58 KB)
University of Wisconsin Symptom Survey Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures University of Wisconsin Symptom Survey data96sas7bdat (33 KB); csv (7 KB)
Primary Analysis Dataset
All baseline information and GRA/adjudicated GRA information265sas7bdat (200 KB); csv (46.54 KB)
MOS Sexual Functioning Scale Phase I Dataset
Captures MOS sexual functioning scale data1260sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (39.03 KB)
Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index and Problem Index Phase II Derived Dataset
Captures Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index and Problem Index data96sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (4.09 KB)
Maryland HB EGF Biomarker Phase I Dataset
Captures Maryland HB EGF data660sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (45.97 KB)
Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events Phase I Dataset
Captures adverse event data3160sas7bdat (209 KB); csv (131.24 KB)
Specimens (7,407)
Specimens Table