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Clarke, William (2021). Panoramic CIT Data (pan-CIT) (Version 1) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Panoramic CIT Data (pan-CIT) [(Version 1)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The pan-CIT study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the pan-CIT ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the pan-CIT study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the pan-CIT study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 1 (Updated on: Feb 23, 2021)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Not Available
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General Description

The CIT consortium conducted a total of 9 studies across North America (CIT02 through CIT08) and the Nordic region (CIT01). CIT08 was a long-term follow-up study for interested participants at the North American sites. The target population is individuals with type 1 diabetes, normal kidney function, and intractable hypoglycemia. All studies treated participants with up to 3 separate infusions of islets.

Non-Study Specific CIT data are available for request


The studies investigated methods to improve the safety and efficacy of islet transplantation in treating patients with type 1 diabetes, with and without the complication of kidney failure.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes with onset at less than 40 years of age, insulin dependence for at least 5 years at study entry, and a sum of age and insulin dependent diabetes duration of at least 28 were eligible for enrollment in the CITC studies. Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria for each of the studies are available on the individual study pages.

Research Area


Study Type


Study Sites



Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus


Intractable Hypoglycemia, Normal Kidney Function, Islet Transplantation

NIDDK Division

Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases


Target Population
Transplant Patients, Children, Adults

Public Documents Table
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Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed for health, medical, or biomedical research purposes
Non-Public Documents (0)
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Datasets (1)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Manufacturing Unused Lots V2 Dataset
Captures manufacturing unused lots data a part of the Pan-CIT study158txt (152.22 KB); csv (152.24 KB)