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Edelstein, Sharon (2021). Restoring Insulin Secretion – Pediatric Medication Study (RISE Pediatric Medication) (Version 1) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Restoring Insulin Secretion – Pediatric Medication Study (RISE Pediatric Medication) [(Version 1)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The RISE Pediatric Medication study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the RISE Pediatric Medication ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the RISE Pediatric Medication study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the RISE Pediatric Medication study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 1 (Updated on: Feb 26, 2021)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

Although type 2 diabetes is more common in adults, there has been an increase in the number of children with the disease, primarily due to the obesity epidemic. As with adults, the decline of beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity are precursors of type 2 diabetes in children. There are several treatments for adults with type 2 diabetes, however insulin and metformin are the only approved treatments for children with type 2 diabetes. The purpose of the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Pediatric Medication Study was to determine whether metformin or insulin combined with metformin could be used to sustain or improve beta-cell function in children with prediabetes or recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

The RISE Pediatric Medication Study was a two-arm, multi-center clinical trial. Study participants were enrolled at four recruitment centers and randomized into two treatment groups. The first group received metformin alone for 12 months. The second group received glargine, a man-made insulin, for three months followed by metformin for the remaining nine months of the treatment period. Beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity were assessed at baseline, the end of the active treatment period, and three months after treatment was withdrawn.


The RISE Pediatric Medication Study sought to determine if medicinal treatment could improve beta-cell function in adolescents with prediabetes or early type 2 diabetes, and whether the enhancements could be preserved after treatment was withdrawn.

Outcome Measure

Primary Outcome Measures: Beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity were assessed three months after treatment withdrawal and compared to baseline measurements.

Secondary Outcome Measures: At the end of the 12-month active treatment period, beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity were assessed and compared to baseline measurements.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria: Individuals were included in the study if they were age 10 – 19 years; had diabetes for less than six months; were treated with Metformin for less than six months prior to screening; pubertal development Tanner stage greater than one; and met the requirements for laboratory-based HbA1c and glucose (fasting and OGTT).

Exclusion Criteria: Individuals were excluded from study participation if they had an underlying disease, other than type 2 diabetes, that affects glucose metabolism; cardiovascular disease; anemia or known coagulopathy; renal disease or serum potassium abnormality; active infections; were treated with insulin for more than one week prior to screening; required or currently taking medications that affect glucose metabolism; had an underlying disease or condition that would increase the risk of intervention, limit life span, or limit participation in outcomes assessment; history of conditions that may be triggered or worsened by the study drug; or had conditions or behaviors that would interfere with study procedures.


Study results indicate beta-cell function in adolescents with prediabetes or early type 2 diabetes cannot be improved or maintained through treatment with metformin alone or glargine followed by metformin. Following 12 months of active treatment, participants in both groups experienced a decline in beta-cell function compared to baseline. Measurements taken after three months of treatment withdrawal also showed a deterioration of beta-cell function compared to baseline. Based on these results, it can be concluded that different approaches to prevent the loss of beta-cell function and improve insulin sensitivity are needed for individuals in this demographic.

Research Area


Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Prediabetes Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Glucose Fasting, HbA1c, Pediatric, Glargine, Meteformin, Insulin Sensitivity, Glucose Metabolism, Insulin Secretion

NIDDK Division

Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases


Target Population
Adults, Children

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
If you need accessible versions of documents, please email your request to

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed only for the specified disease(s), disorder(s), condition(s), or research area(s): Diabetes Mellitus; Related complications; Heart Disease
Non-Public Documents (0)
There are currently no non-public documents available
Datasets (19)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
BASELINE Form Dataset
Contains data from the BASELINE Form90sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (22.5 KB)
Unsched Dataset
Captures data on unscheduled visit results and information67csv (8.59 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Other Lab Data Dataset
Captures data on other laboratory results associated with RISE Adult laboratory procedures664sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (25 KB)
CLAMP Data Dataset
Captures data on Hyperglycemic test results255sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (108.28 KB)
Base Data Dataset
Captures base data on participant treatment, RISE ID, sex, race, age, and period of randomization90sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (4 KB)
SCREEN Form Dataset
Contains data from the SCREEN Form90sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (18.48 KB)
EXITFORM Form Dataset
Contains data from the EXITFORM Form76sas7bdat (348 KB); csv (22.7 KB)
HISTORY Form Dataset
Contains data from the HISTORY Form175sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (14.31 KB)
CLAMP Form Dataset
Contains data from the CLAMP Form257sas7bdat (256 KB); csv (49.65 KB)
Adult Sleep Questionnaires Dataset
Contains data from the Adult Sleep Questionnaires: Berlin Sleep Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)88sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (4.72 KB)
LOCLAB Form Dataset
Contains data from the LOCLAB Form256sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (10.26 KB)
SCREEN Data Dataset
Captures data from screening visit results and information90sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (2.93 KB)
OGTT Form Dataset
Contains data from the OGTT Form419sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (41.9 KB)
RUNSTART Form Dataset
Contains data from the RUNSTART Form90sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (8.3 KB)
VISIT Form Dataset
Contains data from the VISIT Form579sas7bdat (792 KB); csv (230.92 KB)
OGTT Data Dataset
Captures data on Oral Glucose Tolerance test results338sas7bdat (192 KB); csv (77.51 KB)
SMBG Form Dataset
Contains data from the SMBG Form41sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (3.5 KB)
RUNEND Form Dataset
Contains data from the RUNEND Form90sas7bdat (128 KB); csv (9.47 KB)
STATUS Form Dataset
Contains data from the STATUS Form90csv (4.92 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Specimens (17,404)
Specimens Table