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Krischer, Jeffrey (2022). TrialNet Pathway To Prevention (formerly Natural History Study) (TN01) (Version 6) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from TrialNet Pathway To Prevention (formerly Natural History Study) (TN01) [(Version 6)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
This research was performed using resources generated by the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group, a clinical trials network funded through a cooperative agreement by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR). This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the TrialNet network and does not necessarily represent the opinions or views of TrialNet, NIDDK-CR, or NIH.
Data Package Version
Version 6 (Updated on: Feb 28, 2022)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Require Collaboration with Parent Study
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General Description

TrialNet is a network of 19 clinical centers worldwide that conducts research on the study, prevention, and early treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D). The TrialNet Pathway To Prevention (TN01) is a screening and monitoring study that was established to provide a source of subjects for enrollment into prevention trials. In addition, the prospectively followed cohort is used to gain new insights into the natural history of pre-type 1 diabetes in patients with increased risk for the disease. The primary aim of the study is to identify subjects for TrialNet prevention and investigation trials, but can also be used for assessing the predictive value of existing and novel risk markers of T1D, and for examining the demographic, immunologic, and metabolic characteristics of individuals at risk for developing T1D.

Participants who are unaffected by T1D but who had a family member with TID and hence increased risk for developing the disease are eligible for enrollment. Screened subjects are tested for pancreatic autoantibodies (glutamic acid decarboxylase, insulin, ICA-512) using a blood screening test. Participants with at least one positive tests for any of the antibodies are eligible for confirmatory autoantibody measurements, and metabolic testing including oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). Subjects under age 18 are re-screened annually, and subjects with some risk for disease can be enrolled in prevention trials or followed prospectively.

Data collected on patients recruited through 2020 are available from the Repository.


The primary aim of the study is to identify subjects for TrialNet prevention and investigation trials, but the cohort is also used for assessing the predictive value of existing and novel risk markers or T1D, and examining the demographic, immunologic, and metabolic characteristics of individuals at risk for developing T1D. The primary outcome measure is onset of diabetes, as defined by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) based on glucose testing or the presence of symptoms of an unequivocal hyperglycemia. Secondary outcome measures include metabolic and autoantibody assessments.

Outcome Measure

Glucose testing, or the presence of symptoms and unequivocal hyperglycemia

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who met the following criteria were eligible for enrollment:

  • Ages 1 to 45 who have an immediate family member with type 1 diabetes (such as a child, parent, or sibling)
  • Ages 1 to 20 who have an extended family member with type 1 diabetes (such as a cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or half-sibling)

Individuals who have diabetes, have a previous history of being treated with insulin or oral diabetes medications, or are currently using systemic immunosuppressive agents are excluded from the study.


This study is ongoing. Initial characteristics of the cohort have been published.

Research Area


Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Prediabetic State

NIDDK Division

Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases


Target Population
Children, Adults

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
If you need accessible versions of documents, please email your request to

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed only for the specified disease(s), disorder(s), condition(s), or research area(s): Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; Related Complications
Non-Public Documents (8)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (33)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
TN01 Family History Data (Form NH01F)
Participant family history information230433csv (31.37 MB); sas7bdat (366.74 MB)
Follow-Up Missed Visit (Form NH09)
Completed form data for when an expected visit was missed and a visit form was not completed1571csv (196.03 KB); sas7bdat (2.54 MB)
Follow Up Risk Assessment (Form NH05)
Data collected on follow-up risk assessment forms21822csv (4.4 MB); sas7bdat (49.5 MB)
Change Monitoring in Autobody Positive Status(Form NH14C)
Data collected on antibody positive status change to monitor patient medical status34csv (1.59 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Autoantibody Positive Assessment Data
Data collected on patient during autobody positive assessment1653csv (141.79 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Protocol Version
Protocol version used and collection of participant signed consent during participant visits68248csv (2.76 MB); sas7bdat (6.5 MB)
Participant Eligibililty Follow Up V2
Additional participant eligibility follow up and interest in study participation (months after first eligibility follow up)1363csv (374.19 KB); sas7bdat (2.97 MB)
Change of Status (Form NH07)
Completed form data for participants who changed his/her study status18933csv (2.87 MB); sas7bdat (44.98 MB)
Permanite Site Transfer
Data collected on participant permanent site transfers49581sas7bdat (14.94 MB); csv (5.32 MB)
Adverse Events Data
Data collected about adverse events - any unfavorable and unintended sign, symptom, or disease associated with the used of medical treatment or procedure455csv (262.69 KB); sas7bdat (3.94 MB)
TN01 Screening Form Dataset
Data collected during the screening visit234614csv (48.42 MB); sas7bdat (203.77 MB)
COVID 19 Assessment Data
Data collected during COVID 19 assessment461csv (64.06 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Glycemic Status Assessment
Data collected during glycemic status assessment187csv (14.06 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Control Entry (Form NH12)
Completed control entry form data157csv (41.96 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Registration Status
Participant registration status, date of registration, and study start date237002csv (8.79 MB); sas7bdat (11.5 MB)
Current Diabetes Onset (Form NH08)
Current/Updated Completed diabetes onset form data for participants diagnosed with diabetes426csv (251.48 KB); sas7bdat (2 MB)
Additional Consent Data
Data collected about participant additional consent42042csv (6.36 MB); sas7bdat (15 MB)
Autoantibody Positive Follow UP Data
Data collected on follow up action after a positive auto antibody test6230csv (497.19 KB); sas7bdat (2 MB)
Local Blood (Ab) Lab Results
Data collected during local blood lab - GADA, MIAAIAA, IA2A, ZnT8A, ICA15csv (3.6 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Research Labs baa cy04-12
Data collected on participants specimen collection, test results, and other lab informationsas7bdat (883.5 MB)
Diabetes Onset (Form NH08)
Completed diabetes onset form data for participants diagnosed with diabetes1641csv (583.43 KB); sas7bdat (2.66 MB)
Research Labs baa cy04-11
Data collected on participants specimen collection, test results, and other lab information568529csv (85.95 MB)
Participant Eligibililty Follow Up
Information on participant eligibility and interest in study participation1278csv (164.7 KB); sas7bdat (960 KB)
Research Labs Other
Data collected on participants specimen collection, test results, and other lab information517567csv (77.4 MB); sas7bdat (804.5 MB)
Follow Up Risk Assessment V2 (Form NH05C)
Second follow-up risk assessment form data502csv (101.69 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Adverse Events Review Data
Data collected on adverse event review to evaluate and manage harmful and negative outcomes that occur during medical care106csv (9.97 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
Protocol Deviation
Protocol deviation procedures recorded during participant visits2982csv (1.06 MB); sas7bdat (20.5 MB)
Research Labs baa cy13-20
Data collected on participants specimen collection, test results, and other lab information653127csv (97.26 MB); sas7bdat (1015 MB)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential Data
CBC assessment information and results data used to indicate the presence of infection, disease, or allergic reaction1523csv (303.26 KB); sas7bdat (1.5 MB)
Changes to Participant Monitoring Schedule Data
Modifications to the participant schedule to include semiannual monitoring visits26csv (1.08 KB); sas7bdat (1 MB)
DTP-1 Entry (Form NH10)
Completed form data from first follow-up visit for participants who were previously enrolled in Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Trial (DTP-1)118csv (52.21 KB); sas7bdat (336 KB)
Baseline Risk Assessment (Form NH04)
Participant base line risk assessment data6950csv (1.76 MB); sas7bdat (17.33 MB)
Pathway to Prevention Trial Data
Data collected on participant's pathway to prevention trials188275csv (10.47 MB); sas7bdat (25 MB)
Specimens (1,867,887)
Specimens Table
Whole Blood6816