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Belle, Steven (2023). Clinical Trial of Entecavir/Pegylated Interferon in Immune Tolerant Children with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection (HBRN Immune Tolerant P) (Version 1) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Clinical Trial of Entecavir/Pegylated Interferon in Immune Tolerant Children with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection (HBRN Immune Tolerant P) [(Version 1)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The HBRN Immune Tolerant P study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the HBRN Immune Tolerant P study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the HBRN Immune Tolerant P study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the HBRN Immune Tolerant P study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 1 (Updated on: Nov 28, 2023)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

The Clinical Trial of Entecavir/Pegylated Interferon in Immune Tolerant Children With Chronic HBV Infection (HBRN Immune Tolerant P) sought to determine the safety and efficacy of treatment using a combination of drugs (entecavir and pegylated interferon) in children ages 3-<18 years old with immunotolerant chronic hepatitis B. Children age 3-<18 years with immunotolerant chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection who fulfilled the entry criteria received entecavir as monotherapy for 8 weeks and then combination therapy with entecavir and pegylated interferon by weekly subcutaneous injection until week 48. Children were to be followed for 48 weeks after discontinuation of therapy.


The primary objective of the study was to determine whether treatment with 8 weeks of entecavir followed by 40 weeks of both entecavir and peginterferon leads to an increased rate of sustained virologic response in children with immunotolerant HBV infection, when compared to no treatment, the current standard of care.

Outcome Measure

The primary outcome measures for evaluation of drug efficacy were HBeAg loss (lack of detectable HBeAg) and HBV DNA levels ≤1,000 IU/mL at 48 weeks following cessation of treatment. The number, type, and rate of adverse or serious events through end of treatment at 48 weeks and end of follow-up at 96 weeks were assessed as the primary outcome measures for safety. Secondary outcome measures, evaluated at 48 and 96 weeks, included hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) loss, hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) loss, HBeAg or HBsAg seroconversion, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, HBV DNA levels, and absence of detectable antiviral drug-resistance HBV mutations.

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals between the ages of 3 and 18 years who met the following criteria were eligible for the study:

  • Documented chronic HBV infection (as evidenced by detection of HBsAg in serum for ≥ 24 weeks prior to baseline; or positive HBsAg and negative anti-HBc IgM within 24 weeks of baseline visit)
  • Presence of HBeAg in serum at the last screening visit within 6 weeks of baseline visit
  • Serum HBV DNA level >10^7 IU/mL on at least 2 occasions at least 12 weeks apart
  • ALT ≤ 60 IU/l in males or ≤40 IU/l in females, measured on at least 2 occasions, at screening (within 6 weeks prior to baseline visit) & at least 12 weeks prior to the screening visit
  • Compensated liver disease, with normal total bilirubin (except if Gilbert's syndrome), direct bilirubin ≤0.5 mg/dL, INR ≤1.5, and serum albumin ≥3.5 g/dL
  • Creatinine clearance 90 ml/min.
  • Absence of hepatocellular carcinoma on liver ultrasound in the past 48 weeks.

Exclusion criteria are documented in the study protocol.


At 48 weeks after treatment ended, 2 children achieved the primary endpoint and were also HBsAg negative and anti–hepatitis B surface antigen antibody (anti-HBs) positive. In the remaining children, serum ALT and HBV DNA levels at week 96 were similar to baseline. Thirty-seven children experienced adverse events (AEs), and 1 had a serious AE (SAE). The combination of entecavir and peginterferon for up to 48 weeks rarely led to loss of HBeAg with sustained suppression of HBV DNA levels in children in the immune-tolerant phase of HBV infection, and treatment was associated with frequent AEs.

Research Area

Liver Disease

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Hepatitis B Virus Infection


HBsAg Seroconversion, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Levels, Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection, Entecavir, Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg) Loss, HBV DNA, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Loss, Adverse Events

NIDDK Division

Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition


Target Population

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed for health, medical, or biomedical research purposes
Non-Public Documents (3)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (39)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Screening Information (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Includes information about site transfers and after enrollment participant ineligibility along with the screening log information. This information is needed to identify the participants eligible for analyses and reasons for ineligibility. The last screening record for each consecutive participant who was not a transfer from another clinical site is used to determine screening eligibility.77csv (5.71 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Symptom Assessment (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures symptoms that can occur in persons with liver disease and how much the patient has been bothered by each symptom860csv (79.53 KB); sas7bdat (320 KB)
Baseline Evaluation - Investigator (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Contains information provided by the physician investigator immediately following completion of the baseline evaluation, including phenotype and HBV duration and source76csv (14.63 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Dose Change (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures information on each prescribed dose change (reduction or increase) in one or both study medications.45csv (5.1 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Child Health Questionnaire - Patient (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures patient's views about their health and well-being, including everyday activities, pain, behavior, self-esteem, and family154csv (56.51 KB); sas7bdat (336 KB)
Contains RFPIT datasas7bdat (128 KB)
Visit Evaluation (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures adverse effects, concomitant medications, study medication, physical assessment, abdominal imaging, and biospecimen information1238csv (452.54 KB); sas7bdat (1.66 MB)
Lab Evaluation (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Contains laboratory tests results1365csv (1.93 MB); sas7bdat (3.71 MB)
Discontinuation of Treatment or Study (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures information on when a patient prematurely discontinues study treatment, study participation, or both3csv (975 B); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Baseline Evaluation - Patient (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures baseline demographic information completed by parent471csv (41 KB); sas7bdat (192 KB)
Enrollment Criteria (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Dataset that captures inclusion and exclusion criteria for enrollment in study113csv (41.74 KB); sas7bdat (204 KB)
MedWatch (Pediatric IT) Dataset
FDA Medwatch Form 3500A for use by user-facilities, importers, distributors, and manufacturers for mandatory reporting1csv (1.4 KB); sas7bdat (504 KB)
Screening Evaluation (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures coexisting conditions, medication history, physical assessment, and whether biospecimens were obtained99csv (14.15 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
CES-D (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Contains findings from Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)250csv (28.29 KB); sas7bdat (192 KB)
Concomitant Medication Log (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Records all non-study prescription medications taken and their frequency from the time of the initial screening visit through the completion of the follow-up period or discontinuation from the study75csv (7.67 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Contains RFPIT data76csv (5.28 KB)
Off Protocol (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Form that is completed to report a deviation from protocol, at the time the occurrence becomes known. Includes enrollment, randomization, protocol visits, and biospecimens information43csv (7.19 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Child Health Questionnaire Parent (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures patient's views about their health and well-being, including everyday activities, pain, behavior, self-esteem, and family92csv (41.23 KB); sas7bdat (216 KB)
Baseline Evaluation - Coordinator (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures baseline demographics, family history, medical history, medication history, symptoms, physical exam, diagnostic tests, treatment, risk assessment, serologies and autoantibodies, virology tests, labs, biospecimens, tanner stage, and administrative information and/or results completed by coordinator471csv (776.61 KB); sas7bdat (2.5 MB)
Study Drug Log (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Form captures when study drug is dispensed for the first time and every time study drug is dispensed or returned919csv (88.65 KB); sas7bdat (256 KB)
Adverse Event (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Captures information related to adverse event, including date of onset, event type, severity, whether the advent was serious, unexpected, and/or related to study drug, effect on study drug, outcome date, and outcome status84csv (10.8 KB); sas7bdat (128 KB)
Flare Resolution (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Contains data on flare etiology and clinical decisions4csv (807 B); sas7bdat (128 KB)
CDI Questionnaire Patient (Pediatric IT) Dataset
Contains findings from Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) Questionnaire553csv (71.74 KB); sas7bdat (320 KB)
Specimens (1,673)
Specimens Table
Liver Tissue14