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Landis, Richard (2016). Interstitial Cystitis cohort study (ICDB) (Version 2) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from the Interstitial Cystitis cohort study (ICDB) [(Version 2)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgment Statement
The ICDB study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the ICDB ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the ICDB study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the ICDB study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Resource Availability
Specimens and Study Datasets
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General Description

The Interstitial Cystitis Data Base (ICDB) cohort study was a prospective, multicenter clinical study of patients with Interstitial Cystitis (IC). The study gathered data to investigate the treated history of IC and identify patient subgroups with specific symptoms, physical findings, histopathologic findings from bladder biopsies, and treatment responses. Data was collected on patients at baseline and longitudinally concerning demographic and diagnostic information, medical history, dietary intake, urinary symptoms, and treatments and their outcomes. Additionally, bladder tissue specimens were stored in a specimen bank. Initial analyses on patient data supported the clinical observation that IC is a chronic symptom complex and showed that no current treatments had a significant impact on symptoms over time.


The ICDB study had three main objectives: (1) to determine the treated history of IC based on longitudinal patient data, (2) to identify the age, sex, race, and other demographic characteristics of patients in the database with symptoms consistent with IC, and (3) to maintain a bladder biopsy specimen bank.

Outcome Measure

Longitudinal changes of urinary symptoms, the impact of interstitial cystitis on quality of life, treatment patterns, and the relationship between pathology, bladder biopsies, and patient symptoms were used as outcome measures.

Eligibility Criteria

Participants of at least 18 years of age who (1) had symptoms of urinary urgency, frequency, or pain for at least the past 6 months and (2) scored at least 1 on the frequency, pain, or urgency scale were enrolled in the ICDB study. Exclusion criteria are documented in the study protocol.


The study found that initial analyses on patient data supported the clinical observation that IC is a chronic disease and showed that no current treatments had a significant impact on symptoms over time.

Research Area

Urologic Diseases

Study Type


Study Sites



Interstitial Cystitis


Urinary Bladder Disease, Longitudinal Changes, Urogenital Disease, Pathology, Bladder Biopsy, Urinary Symptoms, Interstitial Cystitis

NIDDK Division



Target Population
Location statistics is not available for this study

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format

Non-Public Documents (2)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (56)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
FHX Form Dataset
Contains data from the FHX Form - Family Historysas7bdat (104 KB); csv (33.81 KB)
CONTACT Form Dataset
Contains data from the CONTACT Form - Future Contact Informationsas7bdat (64 KB); csv (37.01 KB)
SYMPTS Form (Pain Location Codes) Dataset
Contains data on pain locations codes from the SYMPTS formsas7bdat (24 KB); csv (3.28 KB)
SURVEY Form Dataset
Contains data from the SURVEY Form - Opinion Surveysas7bdat (200 KB); csv (54.39 KB)
CYST Form (Biopsy Locations) Dataset
Contains data on biopsy locations from bladder map on page 4 of CYST formsas7bdat (24 KB); csv (7.93 KB)
REIN Form Dataset
Contains data from the REIN Form - Patient Reinstatementsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (255 B)
VOID Form (Page 1-3) Dataset
Contains data from the VOID Form - Volume Voiding Profilesas7bdat (960 KB); csv (629.77 KB)
BIOP Form Dataset
Contains data from the BIOP Form - Biopsysas7bdat (968 KB); csv (325.68 KB)
SYMPTS Form Dataset
Contains data from the SYMPTS Form - Symptom Questionnairesas7bdat (2.45 MB); csv (784.99 KB)
EXCL2 Form Dataset
Contains data from the EXCL2 Form - Exclusion Checklist #2sas7bdat (88 KB); csv (27.5 KB)
BACK Form Dataset
Contains data from the BACK Form - Background Informationsas7bdat (104 KB); csv (32.42 KB)
Biopsy Merged Analysis Dataset
Merged analysis dataset for the biopsy data. Contains the records from the BIOP, BIOP_REV, CYST, DCYST, plus variables in the baseline.sas7bdat datasetsas7bdat (4.45 MB); csv (1.55 MB)
SYMHX Form Dataset
Contains data from the SYMHX Form - Symptom Historysas7bdat (176 KB); csv (56.77 KB)
QUL Form Dataset
Contains data from the QUL Form - Quality of Lifesas7bdat (1.04 MB); csv (427.46 KB)
REIN Form (Codes) Dataset
Contains data on codes for the REIN patient reinstatement formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (339 B)
URN Form Dataset
Contains data from the URN Form - Macroscopic Urinalysissas7bdat (256 KB); csv (118.28 KB)
CYST Form Dataset
Contains data from the CYST Form - Cystoscopysas7bdat (88 KB); csv (25.77 KB)
PURG Form Dataset
Contains data from the PURG Form - Pain & Urgency Scalessas7bdat (264 KB); csv (157.6 KB)
STAT Form Dataset
Contains data from the STAT Form - Patient Statussas7bdat (40 KB); csv (28.1 KB)
BACK Form (Religion Codes) Dataset
Contains data on religion codes from the BACK formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (620 B)
BACK Form (Employment Stats Codes) Dataset
Contains data on employment status codes from the BACK formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (379 B)
DIET Form Dataset
Contains data from the DIET Form - Dietary Habitssas7bdat (840 KB); csv (250.51 KB)
PRIOR Form (Question 1-46) Dataset
Contains data from the PRIOR Form - Prior Diagnoses & Treatment (Questions 1-46)sas7bdat (520 KB); csv (147.43 KB)
MEDHX Form Dataset
Contains data from the MEDHX Form - Patient Medical Historysas7bdat (584 KB); csv (175.72 KB)
SYMPH Form Dataset
Contains data from the SYMPH Form - Symptom Questionnairesas7bdat (504 KB); csv (168.78 KB)
WITH Form Dataset
Contains data from the WITH Form - Patient Withdrawalsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (4.28 KB)
WITH Form (Codes) Dataset
Contains data on codes for the WITH formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (749 B)
VOID Form (Page 4) Dataset
Contains data from the VOID Form - Volume Voiding Profile (page 4 only)sas7bdat (16.34 MB); csv (7.65 MB)
SLTR Form Dataset
Contains data from the SLTR Form - Biopsy Slide Trackingsas7bdat (32 KB); csv (10.93 KB)
BACK Form (State Codes) Dataset
Contains data on state codes form the BACK formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (798 B)
EXCL3 Form Dataset
Contains data from the EXCL3 Form - Exclusion Checklist #3sas7bdat (16 KB); csv (4.53 KB)
PHS Form Dataset
Contains data from the PHS Form - Physical Examsas7bdat (360 KB); csv (107.18 KB)
Longitudinal Analysis Dataset
Contains the analytic dataset for longitudinal analyses. This data set contains one record per patient per visit date seen. Hence, if a patient’s voiding log was 5 days prior to their visit date, the voiding log record and visit information is stored on separate recordssas7bdat (31.82 MB); csv (12.68 MB)
BACK Form (Race Codes) Dataset
Contains data on race codes from the BACK formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (194 B)
INCL Form Dataset
Contains data from the INCL Form - Inclusion Checklistsas7bdat (88 KB); csv (29.26 KB)
UROD Form Dataset
Contains data from the UROD Form - Urodynamic Evaluationsas7bdat (152 KB); csv (62.87 KB)
MEDHXF Form Dataset
Contains data from the MEDHXF Form - Patient Medical History Updatesas7bdat (208 KB); csv (48.22 KB)
EXCL1 Form Dataset
Contains data from the EXCL1 Form - Exclusion Checklist #1sas7bdat (88 KB); csv (29.42 KB)
PREG Form Dataset
Contains data from the PREG Form - Pregnancy Historysas7bdat (152 KB); csv (53.43 KB)
MED Form Dataset
Contains data from the MED Form - Medical Events & Patient Treatment Evaluationsas7bdat (1.04 MB); csv (418.69 KB)
PRIOR Form (Question 47+) Dataset
Contains data from the PRIOR Form - Prior Diagnoses & Treatment (Questions 47+)sas7bdat (24 KB); csv (4.38 KB)
PHYTRT Form Dataset
Contains data from the PHYTRT Form - Physician's Evaluation & Treatment Plansas7bdat (472 KB); csv (237.44 KB)
Baseline Dataset
Baseline demographic information. Contains selected variables from the baseline i.e. V_TYPE=0 records from the following CRF forms: SUBJSTAT, BACK, PURG, SYMPTS, SYMHX, INCL, CYST, UROD, VOID, WITHD, REIN, SURVEY, PRIOR, MEDHX, FHXsas7bdat (1.2 MB); csv (399.31 KB)
TRACK Form Dataset
Contains data from the TRACK Form - Biopsy Specimen Trackingsas7bdat (32 KB); csv (11.52 KB)
SCR Form Dataset
Contains data from the SCR Form - Screeningsas7bdat (40 KB); csv (16.87 KB)
BIOP Form (Specimen Data) Dataset
Contains data on batch number, specimen, and slide adequacy for each specimen included in the biopsy reviewsas7bdat (88 KB); csv (31.88 KB)
CYST Form (Pathology Location Codes) Dataset
Contains data on pathology location codes and pathology type codes for the CYST formsas7bdat (32 KB); csv (9.92 KB)
CMED Form Dataset
Contains data from the CMED Form - Concomitant Medicationssas7bdat (680 KB); csv (357.66 KB)
Summary Voiding Log Dataset
Summary of the voiding log data for each of the 3 days with derived variables for total number of nocturnal voids, total number of 24 hour voids, total volume, average volume, minimum volume, maximum volumesas7bdat (5.95 MB); csv (2.28 MB)
DEF1 Form Dataset
Contains data from the DEF1 Form - Deferral Checklist #1sas7bdat (88 KB); csv (27.46 KB)
BACKF Form Dataset
Contains data from the BACKF Form - Background Informationsas7bdat (40 KB); csv (13.22 KB)
BACK Form (Country Codes) Dataset
Contains data on Country codes from the BACK formsas7bdat (16 KB); csv (364 B)
BMAP Dataset
Captures data on codes for biopsy location from CYST, SLTR, and TRACK formssas7bdat (16 KB); csv (677 B)
HEM Form Dataset
Contains data from the HEM Form - Hematologysas7bdat (88 KB); csv (40.76 KB)
DEF2 Form Dataset
Contains data from the DEF2 Form - Deferral Checklist #2sas7bdat (72 KB); csv (25.65 KB)
CMED Form (Medications/Treatments Codes) Dataset
Contains data on codes for medications and treatments for the CMED formsas7bdat (208 KB); csv (60.23 KB)
Specimens (25,919)
Specimens Table
Bladder Tissue25919