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Greene, Tom (2021). Novel Therapies to Treat Resistant Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Phase II Clinical Trial (FSGS/FONT) (Version 4) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from Novel Therapies to Treat Resistant Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Phase II Clinical Trial (FSGS/FONT) [(Version 4)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The FSGS/FONT study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the FSGS/FONT ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the FSGS/FONT study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the FSGS/FONT study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 4 (Updated on: Nov 23, 2021)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Available for Request
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General Description

Therapeutic interventions for the treatment of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Clinical (FSGS) have been widely reported. However, evidence-based treatment guidelines have not been developed because of the lack of controlled studies and the small number of participants included in most reports. The FSGS Clinical Trial (FSGS-CT) was a multi-center, prospective, controlled, open label randomized trial designed to determine if treatment with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in conjunction with pulse steroids is superior to treatment with Cyclosporine-A (CSA) in inducing remission from proteinuria over 12 months. The rationale and background related to each of the drugs chosen to be a part of the FSGS-CT therapeutic interventions are outlined in the study protocol.


The primary objective was to conduct a multi-center, prospective, randomized trial to compare the effectiveness of a treatment regimen including CSA to a regimen including MMF and oral pulse steroids in inducing remission of proteinuria in participants with steroid resistant FSGS. Both of the regimens also included an ACE inhibitor and alternate-day low dose prednisone. On a therapeutic background of alternate day steroids and inhibition of the renin/angiotensin system, the main research hypotheses were that participants with steroid resistant FSGS who are treated with MMF/oral pulse dexamethasone would have a significantly greater proportion with:

  • remission of proteinuria after 52 weeks on therapy and/or
  • remission of proteinuria 26 weeks after withdrawal of therapy when compared to similar participants receiving CSA.
Additional research hypotheses were that one or more of the following would differ between the two therapeutic groups:
  • Improved quality of life
  • Decreased numbers of adverse events and extra renal complications
  • Preservation of renal function.

Outcome Measure

The primary outcome was a 6-level ordinal variable classification based on the achievement of remission during the first 52 weeks after randomization. The least favorable outcome, designated as level 6, was assigned if no partial or complete remission was achieved between weeks 2 through 26, inclusive. Level 5 was assigned if the participant achieved at least one partial or complete remission between weeks 2 and 20, but did not achieve either a partial or complete remission at week 26. By this definition, the primary outcome is not affected by the urine protein/creatinine ratio (UP/C) after 26 weeks if a partial or complete remission is not achieved at 26 weeks, allowing those participants to switch to alternative therapies without affecting the primary analysis.

For participants with a partial or complete remission at week 26, a score between 1 and 4 was assigned depending on the remission status between week 26 and week 52. Level 4 was assigned if the participant failed to achieve either a partial or complete remission at week 52 or had a sustained relapse between weeks 26 and 52. Level 3 was assigned if the participant achieved a partial remission at week 52. Level 2 was assigned if the participant achieved a complete remission at week 52 but had at least one UP/C > 0.2 after week 26 but before week 52. Level 1 was assigned if the participant achieved a complete remission at week 52 and had had UP/C < 0.2 since the week 26 visit.
The main secondary outcome was a 5-level ordinal variable classification which evaluated the extent to which remissions from proteinuria persisted during the period from week 52 to week 78 after immunosuppressive therapy was withdrawn but while remaining on ACEI or ARB treatment.

Other outcomes included the change in quality of life, the numbers of adverse events and extra-renal complications, and the preservation of renal function.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age 2-40 years at onset of signs or symptoms of FSGS
  • Age ≤ 40 years at time of randomization (randomization date before 41st birthday)
  • Estimated GFR ≥ 40 ml/min/1.73 m2 at most recent measure prior to randomization
    • For participants < age 18 years: Schwartz formula
    • For participants ≥ age 18 years: Cockroft-Gault formula
  • UP/C > 1.0 g protein/g creatinine on first am void at time of randomization
  • Biopsy confirmed as primary FSGS (including all subtypes) by study pathologist. A minimum of 1 glomerulus demonstrating segmental sclerosis on light microscopy will be required to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Steroid resistance: The participant must have demonstrated steroid resistance (defined as a failure to achieve a sustained UP/C ≤ 1.0) based on at least one treatment course with high dose steroids prior to randomization which satisfies both of the following conditions:
    • minimal treatment duration of 4 weeks
    • minimum cumulative dose of 56 mg/kg or 1680 mg of prednisone or its equivalent. In addition, the participant must not have had a complete remission of proteinuria (UP/C < 0.2 or dipstick urine protein 0/trace) subsequent to the latest qualifying 4-week course demonstrating steroid resistance.
  • Willingness to follow the clinical trial protocol, including medications, and baseline and follow-up visits and procedures.
  • Participants may be taking ACEI, ARB, Vitamin E, or lipid lowering therapy.
Exclusion Criteria:
  • Secondary FSGS
  • Prior therapy with sirolimus, CSA, tacrolimus, MMF, or azathioprin (Imuran)
  • Treated with cytoxan, chlorambucil, levamisole, methotrexate, or nitrogen mustard in the last 30 days
  • Lactation, pregnancy, or refusal of birth control in women of child bearing potential
  • Participation in another therapeutic trial concurrently or 30 days prior to randomization
  • Active/serious infection (including, but not limited to Hepatitis B, C, or HIV)
  • Malignancy
  • Blood pressure > 140/95 or > 95th percentile for age/height.
  • Participant is receiving 4 or more antihypertensive agents for the primary purpose of controlling blood pressure.
  • Participants with previously diagnosed diabetes mellitus type I or II: the diagnosis of DM I or II will be based on local criteria for participants with an established diagnosis. If hyperglycemia is detected during the screening period, the WHO criteria for the diagnosis of DM I and II will be used.
  • Clinical evidence of cirrhosis or chronic active liver disease
  • Abnormal laboratory values at the time of study entry:
    • Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) < 2000/mm3, or
    • Hematocrit (HCT) < 28%
  • History of significant gastrointestinal disorder, e.g, severe chronic diarrhea (> 5 watery stools per day) or active peptic ulcer disease.
  • Organ transplantation
  • Obesity (based on estimated dry weight at onset of disease prior to steroid therapy) defined as
    • BMI > 97th percentile for age if aged 2-20 years
    • BMI > 40 kg/m2 for age ≥21 years
  • Allergy to study medications
  • Inability to consent/assent

Note: Participants with conditions meeting exclusion criteria at a particular evaluation for eligibility could be re-evaluated at a later time to determine if the conditions had changed so that all entry criteria are met. In particular, if blood pressure > 140/95 or > 95th percentile for age/height while the participant was on less than three antihypertensive agents, the participant could be re-evaluated for eligibility after adding other antihypertensive agents so long as the total number of agents does not exceed three.


FSGS-CT compared the efficacy of a 12-month course of CSA to a combination of oral pulse dexamethasone and MMF in children and adults with steroid-resistant primary FSGS. Of the 192 patients enrolled, 138 were randomized to CSA (72) or to MMF/dexamethasone (66). The primary analysis compared the levels of an ordinal variable measuring remission during the first year. The odds ratio (0.59) for achieving at least a partial remission with MMF/dexamethasone compared to CSA was not significant. Partial or complete remission was achieved in 22 MMF/dexamethasone- and 33 CSA-treated patients at 12 months. The main secondary outcome, preservation of remission for 26 weeks following cessation of treatment, was not significantly different between these two therapies. During the entire 78 weeks of study, 8 patients treated with CSA and 7 with MMF/dexamethasone died or developed kidney failure. Thus, this study did not find a difference in rates of proteinuria remission following 12 months of CSA compared to MMF/dexamethasone in patients with steroid-resistant FSGS. However, the small sample size might have prevented detection of a moderate treatment effect.

Research Area

Kidney Disease

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis


Treatment Resistant Idiopathic FSGS, Mycophenolate Mofetile (MMF), Rituximab, Drug Therapy, Cyclosporine-A (CSA), Proteinuria, Glomerulosclerosis, Focal Segmental

NIDDK Division

Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases


Target Population
Children, Adults

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
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Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed only for the specified disease(s), disorder(s), condition(s), or research area(s): Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Non-Public Documents (6)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (75)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Form 45 Dataset
This dataset contains 36 records. Data include medication termination info.36sas7bdat (72 KB); csv (6.62 KB)
Form 14 Dataset
This dataset contains 177 records. Data include disease history data.177sas7bdat (200 KB); csv (21.92 KB)
Adverse Events Week 0-26 Analysis Dataset
This analysis dataset contains 2584 records. Data include events from week 0 to week 26.2584sas7bdat (424 KB); csv (127.65 KB)
Form 30 Dataset
This dataset contains 138 records. Data include online randomization data.138sas7bdat (40 KB); csv (16.62 KB)
Form 16 Dataset
This dataset contains 1885 records. Data include follow up visit data.1885sas7bdat (1.51 MB); csv (228.28 KB)
Form 31 Dataset
This dataset contains 54 records. Data include study exit for non-randomized patients data.54sas7bdat (24 KB); csv (9.72 KB)
Form 72 Dataset
This dataset contains 8 records. Data include medication stop point info.8sas7bdat (32 KB); csv (931 B)
Form 62 Dataset
This dataset contains 118 records. Data include hospitalization info.118sas7bdat (136 KB); csv (17.04 KB)
Form 46 Dataset
This dataset contains 1984 records. Data include physical exam info.1984sas7bdat (1.63 MB); csv (427.92 KB)
Form 32 Dataset
This dataset contains 1 record. Data include re-enrollment data.1sas7bdat (24 KB); csv (87 B)
Form 71 Dataset
This dataset contains 29 records. Data include study exit for randomized patients info.29sas7bdat (32 KB); csv (3.12 KB)
Form 10 Dataset
This dataset contains 192 records. Data include screening data.192sas7bdat (80 KB); csv (56.89 KB)
Form 86 Dataset
This dataset contains 182 records. Data include biopsy mailing info.182sas7bdat (24 KB); csv (15.88 KB)
Form 44 Dataset (Study)
This dataset contains 27027 records. Data include medication info27027sas7bdat (8.32 MB); csv (4.01 MB)
Form 44 Dataset (Not Study)
This dataset contains 8289 records. Data include medication info.8289sas7bdat (1.1 MB); csv (480.55 KB)
Form 11 Dataset
This dataset contains 181 records. Data include baseline visit data.181sas7bdat (520 KB); csv (38.5 KB)
Form 87 Dataset
This dataset contains 179 records. Data include biopsy results report.179sas7bdat (40 KB); csv (14.04 KB)
Forms 60-61 Dataset
This dataset contains 654 records. Data include adverse event info.654sas7bdat (776 KB); csv (170.33 KB)
FSGS Clinical Trial Genotypes Dataset
This analysis dataset contains genotype data94csv (3.38 KB)
Baseline Analysis Dataset
This analysis dataset contains 192 records. Data include eligibility, basic demographics, age sex, race, BMI, family/self medical history, Date of biopsy, income, and smoking status.192sas7bdat (200 KB); csv (79.46 KB)
Form 91 Dataset
This dataset contains 161 records. Data include local tuberculin skin test results.161sas7bdat (24 KB); csv (8.71 KB)
Form 52 Dataset
This dataset contains 444 records. Data include long term monitoring info.444sas7bdat (32 KB); csv (27.94 KB)
Forms 37-43 Dataset
This dataset contains 630 records. Data include pediatric quality of life inventory info.630sas7bdat (120 KB); csv (102.68 KB)
Form 36 Dataset
This dataset contains 156 records. Data include health information.156sas7bdat (32 KB); csv (28.62 KB)
Form 54 Dataset
This dataset contains 25 records. Data include closeout vital and dialysis status info.25sas7bdat (16 KB); csv (1.56 KB)
Form 80 Dataset
This dataset contains 2506 records. Data include core lab urine mailing info.2506sas7bdat (176 KB); csv (152.05 KB)
Urine/Serum Lab Results Analysis Dataset
This analysis dataset contains 50344 records. Data include urine/serum lab results.50344sas7bdat (57.26 MB); csv (7.95 MB)
Form 94 Dataset
This dataset contains 165 records. Data include consent for repository info.165sas7bdat (56 KB); csv (12.11 KB)
Form 63 Dataset
This dataset contains 3 records. Data include death notification info.3sas7bdat (48 KB); csv (803 B)
Form 79 Dataset
This dataset contains 220 records. Data include local lab info.220sas7bdat (80 KB); csv (34.15 KB)
Form 95 Dataset
This dataset contains 321 records. Data include biological specimen mailing info.321sas7bdat (40 KB); csv (25.9 KB)
Primary Analysis Dataset
This analysis dataset contains 138 records. Data include basic demographics, age, sex, race, death info, eGFR, ESRD, Lisnorril, end study date, outcome, MMF/CAS info.138sas7bdat (104 KB); csv (63.22 KB)
Form 64 Dataset
This dataset contains 86 records. Data include medication non protocol dosing info.86sas7bdat (32 KB); csv (10.2 KB)
Form 96 Dataset
This dataset contains 97 records. Data include DNA genetics initiative phlebotomy mailing info97sas7bdat (16 KB); csv (5.1 KB)
Form 66 Dataset
This dataset contains 2 records. Data include MMF GI Toxicity info.2sas7bdat (16 KB); csv (143 B)
Adverse Events Week 0-52 Analysis Dataset
This analysis dataset contains 3202 records. Data include events from week 0 to week 52.3202sas7bdat (520 KB); csv (158.18 KB)
Form 83 Dataset
This dataset contains 2153 records. Data include core lab urine data report.2153sas7bdat (208 KB); csv (223.95 KB)
Form 51 Dataset
This dataset contains 4 records. Data include relapse therapy info.4csv (313 B); sas7bdat (32 KB)
Specimens (24,452)
Specimens Table
EBV Transformed Cell Lines858