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Tennstedt, Sharon (2016). The Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial (SISTEr) (Version 5) [Dataset] NIDDK Central Repository.
Data Availability Statement
Data from The Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial (SISTEr) [(Version 5)] reported here are available for request at the NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) website, Resources for Research (R4R),
Acknowledgement Statement
The SISTEr study was conducted by the study investigators and supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The resources from the SISTEr ( study reported here were supplied by NIDDK Central Repository (NIDDK-CR) and are available for request at This manuscript was not prepared under the auspices of the SISTEr study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the SISTEr study, NIDDK-CR, or NIDDK.
Data Package Version
Version 5 (Updated on: May 17, 2016)
Resource Availability
  • Data Available for Request
  • Specimens Not Available
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General Description

Among women with urinary incontinence, 50 to 80% are identified as having stress urinary incontinence (SUI), or involuntary leakage of urine resulting from physical exertion, sneezing, or coughing. The Burch colposuspension and the autologous rectus fascial sling are two surgical procedures frequently used to treat SUI. Both procedures are believed to have similar “cure” rates, yet have not been compared directly to each other in a large, randomized clinical trial. The Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy Trial (SISTEr) is a multicenter, randomized study that was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of the sling and Burch procedures. Complications, quality of life, sexual function, patient satisfaction, costs, and the need for additional treatments or surgery were also compared for the two procedures as secondary objectives.

Women with documented symptoms of SUI for at least 3 months and a positive standardized urinary stress test who were planning to undergo surgery as treatment were enrolled and randomly assigned in the operating room to either a sling or Burch procedure. Key elements of the two surgical procedures were standardized among all clinical centers and participating surgeons. Data were collected preoperatively and postoperatively and included information on demographics, risk factors for urinary incontinence, clinical characteristics of urinary incontinence, findings on physical examination, and urodynamic evaluation. The two primary outcome measures consisted of composite measures of success of treatment in both overall urinary incontinence and specific stress incontinence.

Results showed that the pubovaginal fascial sling had significantly higher rates of success for both overall and stress-specific incontinence than did the Burch colposuspension in women with predominant SI at 24 months. Additionally, the frequency of surgical retreatment for SI was greater in the Burch group than in the sling group, although these higher success rates were offset by increased morbidity in the sling group.

Data from the E-SISTEr 5 year follow-up are now included in the data package.


The primary objective of the SISTEr study was to compare the efficacy and safety of the Burch colposuspension and the autologous rectus fascial sling procedures as treatment for stress urinary incontinence in women. Complications, quality of life, sexual function, patient satisfaction, costs, and the need for additional treatments or surgery were also compared for the two procedures as secondary objectives.

Outcome Measure

The two primary outcome measures consisted of composite measures of success in both overall urinary-incontinence and specific stress-incontinence measures. Overall treatment success was defined as no self-reported symptoms of urinary incontinence, an increase of less than 15 g in pad weight during a 24-hour pad test, no incontinence episodes recorded in a 3-day diary, a negative urinary stress test (no leakage noted on examination during cough and Valsalva maneuvers at a standardized bladder volume of 300 ml), and no retreatment for urinary incontinence (including behavioral, pharmacologic, and surgical therapies). Treatment success specific to stress incontinence was defined as no self-reported symptoms of stress incontinence, a negative stress test, and no retreatment for stress incontinence.

Eligibility Criteria

Women who exhibited symptoms of predominant stress urinary incontinence for at least 3 months by self-report and examination, had a positive urinary stress test, and who were eligible for both surgical procedures were eligible for enrollment.

Exclusion criteria are documented in the study protocol.


The pubovaginal fascial sling had significantly higher rates of success for both overall and stress-specific incontinence than did the Burch colposuspension in women with predominant SI at 24 months. However, these higher success rates were offset by greater morbidity, such as urinary tract infection, urge incontinence, and voiding dysfunction. The frequency of surgical retreatment for SI was greater in the Burch group than in the sling group.

Research Area

Urologic Diseases

Study Type


Study Sites


Study Start Date


Study End Date



Urinary Incontinence, Urinary Bladder Disorder


Voiding Dysfunction, Urniary Tract Infection, Stress Urniary incontinence, Urge Incontinence, Burch Colposuspension, Urniary Stress Test, Pubovaginal Fascial Sling

NIDDK Division

Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases


Target Population

Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format

Permitted Use(s) of the Resources
  • Use is allowed for health, medical, or biomedical research purposes
Non-Public Documents (4)
Non-Public Documents Table
Document Name
Document Type
File Format
Datasets (45)
Datasets Table
Dataset Name
# of Records
# of Variables
File Format(s)
Follow-Up Pad Test and Voiding Diary Summary Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Pad Test and Voiding Diary Summary Form; data ibcludes pad test results and voiding diary results and validity1521sas7bdat (529 KB); csv (195.52 KB)
3 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part II Dataset
Captures information from the 3 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part II Form; data includes post-discharge complications and adverse events/untoward outcomes612sas7bdat (73 KB); csv (23.54 KB)
Final Dataset
Captures final data used in SISTEr publication by Albo et al., 2007655sas7bdat (385 KB); csv (117.66 KB)
6 Week Follow-Up Assessment Part II Dataset
Captures information from the 6 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part II Form; data includes post-discharge complications and adverse events/untoward outcomes641sas7bdat (193 KB); csv (59.54 KB)
Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the Patient Survey Form; data includes how bothersome the patient thought procedures and other study-related matters were450sas7bdat (113 KB); csv (30.64 KB)
Preliminary Screening Part I Dataset
Captures information from the Preliminary Screening Part I Form; data includes sociodemographic information, symptoms related to urine leakage, physical accommodations and character of urine stream, pregnancy and future availability, medical history, and eligibility summary655sas7bdat (401 KB); csv (104.36 KB)
Follow-Up Q-Tip Test Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Q-Tip Test Form1188sas7bdat (53 KB); csv (24.82 KB)
Final Status Dataset
Captures information from the Final Status Form; data includes final study status (completed study, lost to follow-up, withdrew consent, administrative decision, death, or other)132sas7bdat (17 KB); csv (4.93 KB)
Baseline Patient Survey Part I Dataset
Captures information from the Baseline Patient Survey Part I Form; data includes expectations of surgery, quality of life, and ability to complete normal activities655sas7bdat (689 KB); csv (178.19 KB)
Baseline Patient Survey Part II Dataset
Captures information from the Baseline Patient Survey Part II Form; data includes costs in patient's daily life that is related to their problem of incontinence655sas7bdat (353 KB); csv (83.83 KB)
3 Month Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the 3 Month Patient Survey Form; data includes patient satisfaction with the results of surgery, quality of life, and ability to complete normal activities598sas7bdat (481 KB); csv (123.34 KB)
Follow-Up Urodynamic Studies Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Urodynamic Studies Form672sas7bdat (529 KB); csv (180.31 KB)
Baseline Urodynamic Studies Dataset
Captures information from the Baseline Urodynamic Studies Form; data includes non-instrumented uroflowmetry, cystometrogram and leak point pressures, pressure flow study, and eligibility summary655sas7bdat (641 KB); csv (219.96 KB)
12 & 24 Month Follow-Up Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the 12 & 24 Month Follow-Up Patient Survey Part II Form; data includes costs in the patient's daily life that are related to their problem of incontinence1193sas7bdat (449 KB); csv (122.7 KB)
Follow-Up Physician Assessment Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Physician Assessment Form; data includes complications or symptoms and whether they may be related to the index surgery for urinary incontinence2160sas7bdat (353 KB); csv (122.74 KB)
Baseline Physical Exam Dataset
Captures information from Baseline Physical Exam Form; data includes anthropometric measures, directed neurological exam, pubococcygeus contraction assessment, pelvic organ prolapse quantification exam, urethral hypermobility (Q-tip test), ASA assessment and other eligibility considerations, and eligibility summary655sas7bdat (209 KB); csv (67.74 KB)
Randomization Dataset
Captures randomization assignment data655sas7bdat (13 KB); csv (4.39 KB)
6 Week Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the 6 Week Patient Survey Form; data includes responses from the Health Utilities Index 638sas7bdat (113 KB); csv (27.57 KB)
Baseline Pad Test and Voiding Diary Summary Dataset
Captures data from the Baseline Pad Test and Voiding Diary Summary Form; data includes pad test results, voiding diary results and validity, and eligibility summary655sas7bdat (273 KB); csv (109.21 KB)
Follow-Up Stress Test Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Stress Test Form1593sas7bdat (181 KB); csv (70.55 KB)
Baseline Dataset
Captures baseline data used in SISTEr publication by Albo et al., 2007655sas7bdat (520 KB); csv (249.39 KB)
Baseline Stress Test Dataset
Captures information from the Baseline Stress Test Form; data includes stress test results and eligibility summary655sas7bdat (73 KB); csv (19.54 KB)
24 Month Physical Systems Update Dataset
Captures information from the 24 Month Physican Systems Update Form; data includes anthropometric measures and newly diagnosed health conditions543sas7bdat (25 KB); csv (12.14 KB)
Preliminary Screening Part II Dataset
Captures information from the Preliminary Screening Part II Form; data includes eligibility and related health conditions and medical, surgical, or behavioral treatments for incontinence655sas7bdat (145 KB); csv (34.46 KB)
Post-Op Voiding Management Through 3 Months Dataset
Captures information from the Post-Op Voiding Management Through 3 Months Form; data includes voiding management history, urethral catheter, supra-pubic catheter, clean intermittent self-catheterization, and current voiding management status611sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (30.48 KB)
6 Week Follow-Up Assessment Part I (Interview) Dataset
Captures information from the 6 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part I (Interview) Form; data includes symptoms related to urine leakage, urinary and bowel symptoms, pain and pain management, any other treatments or health services utilization, and adverse events/untoward outcomes640sas7bdat (225 KB); csv (56.43 KB)
Immediate Post-Operative Measures Dataset
Captures information from the Immediate Post-Operative Measures Form655sas7bdat (545 KB); csv (53.51 KB)
Follow-Up POP-Q Exam Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up POP-Q Exam Form1595sas7bdat (169 KB); csv (68.52 KB)
Post-Op Voiding Management Through 6 Weeks Dataset
Captures information from the Post-Op Voiding Management Through 6 Weeks Form; data includes voiding management history, urethral catheter, supra-pubic catheter, clean intermittent self-catheterization, and current voiding management status640sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (31.37 KB)
Follow-Up Patient Interview Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Patient Interview Form; data includes symptoms related to urine leakage, urinary and bowel symptoms, pain and pain management, health services utilization2164sas7bdat (929 KB); csv (257.96 KB)
3 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part I (Interview) Dataset
Captures information from the 3 Month Follow-Up Assessment Part I (Interview) Form; data includes symptoms related to urine leakage, urinary and bowel symptoms, pain and pain management, any other treatments or health services utilization, and adverse events/untoward outcomes611sas7bdat (289 KB); csv (71.47 KB)
Failure Dataset
Captures information from the Failure Form; data includes treatment failure488sas7bdat (61 KB); csv (19.78 KB)
6 Month Follow-Up Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the 6 Month Follow-Up Patient Survey Form; data includes patient satisfaction with the results of surgery, quality of life, and ability to complete normal activities575sas7bdat (641 KB); csv (196.18 KB)
Reintervention or Treatment Dataset
Captures information from the Reintervention or Treatment Form573sas7bdat (97 KB); csv (26.19 KB)
Follow-Up Patient Survey Dataset
Captures information from the Follow-Up Patient Survey Form; data includes patient satisfaction with surgery and capabilities in the performance of routine physical daily living activities and sexual activities1518sas7bdat (1.42 MB); csv (495.72 KB)