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National Institute for Health and Welfare, Nutrition Unit, Helsinki, Finland12School of Health Sciences and Center for Child Health Research, University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland 13The Science Center of Pirkanmaa Hospita.
Abbondondolo M, Åberg S, Adamsson A, Agardh D, Åkerlund M, Akolkar B, Amboh ET, Anderson SW, Ansong C, Aronsson CA, Ask M, Austin-Gonzalez S, Ayres S, Baethke S, Bautista K, Baxter J, Becker D, Bedoy R, Bennet R, Beyerlein A, Bingley P, Bonifacio E, Bonnie J, Bourcier K, Bremer J, Briese T, Brown R, Burkhardt B, Butterworth M, Campolieto P, Carlsson UM, Caygill C, Chandler K, Chen WM, Cilio C, Clasen J, Crouch CC, Cuthbertson D, Daftary A, Davis B, Davis J, Defelice B, Dernroth DN, Dong G, Dunson K, Eberhard C, Ericson-Hallström E, Eriksson EA, Erlich H, Erlund I, Farber E, Fear AL, Felipe-Morales D, Fiehn O, Fiske S, Foghis G, Forss SL, Foterek K, Franciscus M, Fransson L, Frohnert B, Gallo D, Garcia D, Gardiner M, Gard T, Garmeson J, Gaur VP, Gerardsson J, Gesualdo P, Gowda V, Grapov D, Hadley D, Hagopian W, Hagopian WA, Haller M, Hansen M, Hansson G, Heaney D, Hervey R, Heyman K, Higgins H, Hoffman M, Hopkins D, Hummel M, Hummel S, Hyberg S, Hyöty H, Ilonen J, Jiang N, Johansen F, Johnson C, Johnson SB, Jokipuu S, Jonasdottir B, Jonsson L, Kähönen M, Kallio T, Kangas N, Karban R, Karlsson EL, Kersting M, Ke S, Killian M, Kind T, Klein MB, Knip M, Knopff A, Koivu A, Koletzko S, Koreasalo M, Krischer J, Krischer JP, Kurppa K, Larsson HE, Lee HS, Leiviskä J, Lernmark Å, Little RR, Liu E, Liu H, Liu S, Liu X, Lönnrot M, Lovis N, Lundgren IM, Lynch K, Lyons R, Mack SJ, Malloy J, Månsson-Martinez M, Mäntymäki E, Marcovina SM, Markan M, McCarthy C, McIndoe R, McLeod W, Melin J, Mestan Z, Metz TO, Meulemans S, Meyer A, Miao D, Mitchell HD, Mulenga D, Multasuo K, Mykkänen J, Nechtman J, Niininen T, Norris J, Norris JM, Nyblom M, Oberste S, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Palazoglu M, Peplow C, Petrosino JF, Pickin RR, Rahmati K, Rajala P, Ramelius A, Rautanen J, Rewers M, Rich SS, Riikonen A, Robinson R, Rokni S, Romo M, Rosenquist A, Roth R, Salami F, Salminen I, Samper-Imaz A, Särmä M, Schatz D, Schulte E, Scott E, Shaffer C, Shankar M, Sharma A, Sheehan E, She JX, Sibthorpe S, Silvis K, Simell O, Simell OG, Simell S, Simell T, Simell V, Sjöberg B, Sjöberg M, Skidmore J, Smith L, Smith MD, Smith RD, Smith S, Stabbert J, Steck A, Steed L, Stenius A, Stock J, Strauss E, Sundvall J, Swartling U, Tamura R, TEDDY Study Group, Tennill AL, Thomas J, Tian Y, Toppari J, Törn C, Triplett E, Trulsson E, Uusitalo U, Vähä-Mäkilä M, Vainionpää S, Valdiviez L, Varjonen E, Vehik K, Veijola R, Vijayakandipan P, Virtanen SM, Wallin A, Wancewicz B, Warncke K, Waugh K, Webb-Robertson BJ, Wikoff B, Williams A, Williams C, Williams J, Willis J, Wimar Å, Winkler C, Wohlgemuth G, Wong J, Wood K, Wright H, Wyatt R, Yang J, Yan X, Yates C, Yu L, Zhao Y, Ziegler AG
Uusitalo U, Liu X, Yang J, Aronsson CA, Hummel S, Butterworth M, Lernmark Å, Rewers M, Hagopian W, She JX, Simell O, Toppari J, Ziegler AG, Akolkar B, Krischer J, Norris JM, Virtanen SM, TEDDY Study Group. Association of Early Exposure of Probiotics and Islet Autoimmunity in the TEDDY Study. JAMA Pediatr 2016 Jan;170(1):20-8.


Probiotics have been hypothesized to affect immunologic responses to environmental exposures by supporting healthy gut microbiota and could therefore theoretically be used to prevent the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM)-associated islet autoimmunity.