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Fimlab Laboratories, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Tampere, Finland.
Abbondondolo M, Åberg S, Agardh D, Åkerlund M, Akolkar B, Anderson SW, Andrén-Aronsson C, Ask M, Austin-Gonzalez S, Ayres S, Barriga K, Bautista K, Baxter J, Becker D, Bedoy R, Beyerlein A, Bingley P, Boldison J, Bonifacio E, Bourcier K, Bremer J, Briese T, Broadhurst J, Brown R, Burkhardt B, Butterly J, Butterworth M, Carlsson UM, Carreno G, Caygill C, Chandler K, Chen WM, Cilio C, Crouch CC, Curnock R, Cuthbertson D, Daftary A, Davis B, Davis J, Dunson K, Easton P, Eberhard C, Eisenbarth G, Ericson-Hallström E, Eriksson EA, Erlich H, Erlund I, Farber E, Fear AL, Fiehn O, Fiske S, Foghis G, Foterek K, Franciscus M, Frank N, Fransson L, Gallo D, Gardiner M, Gard T, Gaur VP, Geoghan I, Gerardsson J, Gesualdo P, Goode J, Gowda V, Hadley D, Hagopian W, Hagopian WA, Håkansson R, Haller M, Hansen M, Hansson G, Heaney D, Hervey R, Higgins H, Hoffman M, Hopkins D, Hummel M, Hummel S, Hyberg S, Hyöty H, Ide L, Ilonen J, Järvirova MS, Jiang N, Johansen F, Johnson SB, Jonasdottir B, Jonsson L, Kähönen M, Karban R, Karlsson EL, Kersting M, Ke S, Killian M, Kindschi R, Kind T, Klein MB, Knip M, Knopff A, Koivu A, Koletzko S, Koreasalo M, Krischer J, Krischer JP, Kurppa K, Larsson H, Larsson HE, Lee HS, Lehtonen M, Leiviskä J, Lernmark Å, Lernmark B, Little RR, Liu E, Liu H, Liu S, Liu X, Long A, Lönnrot M, Lynch K, Mack SJ, Malloy J, Månsson-Martinez M, Mäntymäki E, Marcovina SM, Markan M, Massadakis T, McCarthy C, McIndoe R, McLeod W, Melin J, Mestan Z, Meyer A, Miao D, Mulenga D, Multasuo K, Mykkänen J, Näntö-Salonen K, Nechtman J, Niininen T, Norris J, Nyblom M, Oberste S, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Palazoglu M, Payne M, Pearson J, Peplow C, Petrosino JF, Pickin RR, Rahmati K, Ramelius A, Rautanen J, Reed C, Rewers M, Rich SS, Ridewood S, Riikonen A, Rokni S, Romo M, Rosenquist A, Roth R, Salminen I, Samper-Imaz A, Schatz D, Schenkel J, Scott E, Shankar M, Sharma A, Sheehan E, She JX, Sibthorpe S, Silvis K, Simell A, Simell B, Simell O, Simell OG, Simell S, Simell T, Simell V, Sjöberg B, Sjöberg M, Skidmore J, Smith L, Smith MD, Smith S, Stabbert J, Steck A, Steed L, Stenius A, Stock J, Strauss E, Sundvall J, Swartling U, Tamura R, TEDDY Study Group, Tennill AL, Thomas J, Toppari J, Törn C, Triplett E, Trulsson E, Uusitalo U, Varjonen E, Vehik K, Veijola R, Virtanen SM, Wallin A, Warncke K, Waugh K, Wikoff B, Williams A, Williams J, Williams N, Willis J, Wimar Å, Winkler C, Wohlgemuth G, Wong J, Wyatt R, Yang J, Yan X, Yu L, Zhao Y, Ziegler AG
Lönnrot M, Lynch K, Larsson HE, Lernmark Å, Rewers M, Hagopian W, She JX, Simell O, Ziegler AG, Akolkar B, Krischer J, Hyöty H, TEDDY Study Group. A method for reporting and classifying acute infectious diseases in a prospective study of young children: TEDDY. BMC Pediatr 2015 Mar 20;15:24.


Early childhood environmental exposures, possibly infections, may be responsible for triggering islet autoimmunity and progression to type 1 diabetes (T1D). The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) follows children with increased HLA-related genetic risk for future T1D. TEDDY asks parents to prospectively record the child's infections using a diary book. The present paper shows how these large amounts of partially structured data were reduced into quantitative data-sets and further categorized into system-specific infectious disease episodes. The numbers and frequencies of acute infections and infectious episodes are shown.