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Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Abbondondolo M, Åberg S, Adams C, Adamsson A, Agardh D, Åkerlund M, Akolkar B, Alejandrino M, Anderson SW, Ardissone AN, Aronsson CA, Ask M, Atkinson MA, Austin-Gonzalez S, Ayres S, Barriga K, Bautista K, Baxter J, Becker D, Bedoy R, Beyerlein A, Bingley P, Boldison J, Bonifacio E, Bourcier K, Bratrude B, Bremer J, Briese T, Broadhurst J, Brown R, Bugawan T, Burkhardt B, Butterly J, Butterworth M, Carlsson UM, Carreno G, Casella G, Caygill C, Chandler K, Chen WM, Cilio C, Coughlin D, Crouch CC, Curnock R, Cuthbertson D, Daftary A, Davis J, Davis-Richardson AG, Dunson K, Easton P, Eberhard C, Eisenbarth G, Ekstrand C, Ericson-Hallström E, Eriksson EA, Erlich H, Erlund I, Fagen JR, Farber E, Fear AL, Fiehn O, Fiske S, Foghis G, Foterek K, Fowler G, Franciscus M, Franco C, Frank N, Fransson L, Gallo D, Gano KA, Garcia D, Gardiner M, Gard T, Gaur VP, Geoghan I, Gerardsson J, Gesualdo P, Goode J, Gowda V, Hadley D, Hagopian W, Hagopian WA, Håkansson R, Haller M, Hammar C, Hansen M, Hansson G, Hay KM, Heaney D, Henneberger L, Hervey R, Higgins H, Hoffman M, Hopkins D, Hummel M, Hummel S, Hyberg S, Hyöty H, Ide L, Ilonen J, Järvirova MS, Jiang N, Johansen F, Johnson SB, Jonasdottir B, Jonsson L, Kähönen M, Karban R, Karlsson EL, Kemppainen KM, Kersting M, Ke S, Killian M, Kindschi R, Kind T, Klein MB, Knip M, Knopff A, Koivu A, Koletzko S, Koreasalo M, Krause S, Krischer JP, Kurppa K, Larsson H, Lee HS, Lehtonen M, Leiviskä J, León-Novelo LG, Lernmark Å, Lernmark B, Little RR, Liu E, Liu H, Liu S, Liu X, Long A, Lönnrot M, Lynch K, Mack SJ, Malloy J, Månsson-Martinez M, Mäntymäki E, Marcovina SM, Marcus P, Markan M, Massadakis T, McCarthy C, McIndoe R, McLeod W, Melin J, Mestan Z, Metz T, Meyer A, Miao D, Mulenga D, Multasuo K, Mykkänen J, Nanto-Salonen K, Nechtman J, Niininen T, Nilsson A, Norris J, Nyblom M, Oberste S, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Palazoglu M, Payne M, Pearson J, Peplow C, Petrosino JF, Pflüger M, Pickin RR, Rahmati K, Ramelius A, Rautanen J, Reed C, Rewers M, Rewers MJ, Rich SS, Ridewood S, Riikonen A, Rokni S, Romo M, Roth R, Salminen I, Samper-Imaz A, Schatz D, Schatz DA, Schenkel J, Scott E, Shaffer C, Shankar M, Sharma A, Sheehan E, She JX, Sibthorpe S, Silvis K, Simell A, Simell B, Simell O, Simell OG, Simell S, Simell T, Simell V, Sjöberg B, Sjöberg M, Skidmore J, Smith L, Smith MD, Smith R, Smith S, Stabbert J, Steck A, Steed L, Stenius S, Stepitova V, Stock J, Strauss E, Sundvall J, Swartling U, Tamura R, TEDDY Study Group, Tennill AL, Thomas J, Toppari J, Törn C, Triplett E, Triplett EW, Trulsson E, Uusitalo U, Varjonen E, Vehik K, Veijola R, Virtanen SM, Wallin A, Warncke K, Washington E, Waugh K, Wikoff B, Williams A, Williams J, Williams N, Willis J, Wimar Å, Winkler C, Wohlgemuth G, Wong J, Wyatt R, Yang J, Yan X, Yu L, Zhao Y, Ziegler AG
Kemppainen KM, Ardissone AN, Davis-Richardson AG, Fagen JR, Gano KA, León-Novelo LG, Vehik K, Casella G, Simell O, Ziegler AG, Rewers MJ, Lernmark Å, Hagopian W, She JX, Krischer JP, Akolkar B, Schatz DA, Atkinson MA, Triplett EW, TEDDY Study Group. Early childhood gut microbiomes show strong geographic differences among subjects at high risk for type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2015 Feb;38(2):329-32. Epub 2014 Dec 17.


Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with numerous diseases, including type 1 diabetes. This pilot study determines how geographical location affects the microbiome of infants at high risk for type 1 diabetes in a population of homogenous HLA class II genotypes.