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Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, CRC, Bldg. 60:11, Jan Waldenströms gata 35, SE 20502 Malmö, Sweden.
Abbondondolo M, Åberg S, Achenbach A, Adams C, Agardh D, Akolkar B, Almgren P, Anderson SW, Andersson E, Andrén-Aronsson C, Aronsson CA, Ask M, Ayres S, Ballard L, Barriga K, Bautista K, Baxter J, Becker D, Beyerlein A, Bonifacio E, Bourcier K, Bratrude B, Bremer J, Briese T, Brown R, Bruckmeier N, Bunk M, Burkhardt B, Cilio C, Coughlin D, Crouch CC, Cuthbertson D, Daftary A, Dalmagro-Elias M, Dietrich V, Eberhard C, Eisenbarth G, English K, Ericson-Hallström E, Erlich H, Fiske S, Foghisa G, Fowler G, Franciscus M, Franco C, Frank N, Gard T, Gerardsson J, Gesualdo P, Gowda V, Hadley D, Hagopian WA, Håkansson R, Haller M, Hammar C, Hansen M, Hansson G, Harsunen M, Hay K, Hay KM, Heaney D, Henneberger L, Hoffman M, Hopkinsa D, Hummel M, Hummel S, Huppert A, Hyberg S, Hyöty H, Ide L, Ilonen J, Järvirova MS, Johansen F, Johnson SB, Jonsson L, Joslowski G, Karban R, Karlsson UM, Kersting M, Killian M, Knip M, Knopff A, Kocher N, Koletzko S, Krasmann M, Krause S, Krischer JP, Lachmann L, Larsson H, Lee HS, Lernmark Å, Lernmark B, Liu E, Liu H, Liu S, Lonnrot M, Lynch K, Malloy J, Månsson-Martinez M, Mantymakia E, Marcus P, Markan M, Massadakis T, Matzke C, McCarthy C, McIndoe R, McLeod W, Melin J, Meyer A, Mulenga D, Mykkänen J, Nanto-Salonen K, Nechtman J, Niininenc T, Nilsson A, Norris J, Norris JM, Nyblomc M, Oberste S, Peplow C, Pflüger M, Rahmati K, Ramminger C, Rewers M, Rieda C, Riikonen A, Romoa M, Roth R, Samper-Imaz A, Schatz D, Schenkela J, Scholz M, Scott E, Shankar M, Sharma A, She JX, Sibthorpe S, Silvisa K, Simell B, Simell OG, Simell T, Simell V, Sjöberga M, Sjöberg B, Skidmore J, Smith L, Smith S, Stabbert J, Steck A, Steeda L, Steniusf A, Stepitova V, Stock J, Strauss E, TEDDY Study Group, Thalmeier A, Thomas J, Törn C, Uusitalo U, Varjonena E, Vehik K, Veijola R, Virtanen SM, Voit K, Wallin A, Warncke K, Washington E, Waugh K, Williams J, Williams N, Wimar Å, Winkler C, Wosch A, Yang J, Yan X, Ziegler AG
Aronsson CA, Vehik K, Yang J, Uusitalo U, Hay K, Joslowski G, Riikonen A, Ballard L, Virtanen SM, Norris JM, TEDDY Study Group. Use of dietary supplements in pregnant women in relation to sociodemographic factors - a report from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. Public Health Nutr 2013 Aug;16(8):1390-402. Epub 2013 Mar 4.


The aim of the present study was to examine the prevalence and associated factors of dietary supplement use, particularly supplements containing vitamin D and fatty acids, in pregnant women enrolled in a multi-national study.