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Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University/CRC, University Hospital MAS, Malmö, Sweden.
Akolkar B, Hagopian W, Krischer JP, Larsson H, Lee HS, Lernmark A, Lynch K, McLeod W, Rewers M, Schatz D, She JX, Simell O, Sterner Y, TEDDY Study Group, Törn C, Winkler C, Ziegler A
Sterner Y, Törn C, Lee HS, Larsson H, Winkler C, McLeod W, Lynch K, Simell O, Ziegler A, Schatz D, Hagopian W, Rewers M, She JX, Krischer JP, Akolkar B, Lernmark A, TEDDY Study Group. Country-specific birth weight and length in type 1 diabetes high-risk HLA genotypes in combination with prenatal characteristics. J Perinatol 2011 Dec;31(12):764-9. Epub 2011 Apr 28.


To examine the relationship between high-risk human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes for type 1 diabetes and birth size in combination with prenatal ch aracteristics in different countries.