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Abbondondolo M, Agardh D, Akolkar B, Almgren P, Andersson-Turpeinen M, Andrén-Aronsson C, Arrecis E, Ask M, Ayres S, Ballard L, Bang B, Barriga K, Baxter J, Becker D, Bounmananh L, Brantley M, Bremer J, Briese T, Brown R, Carlsson UM, Cilio C, Crouch CC, Cuthbertson D, Daftary A, Dalmagro-Elias M, Eisenbarth G, Ericson-Hallström E, Erlich H, Ewing J, Foster C, Franciscus M, Gerardsson J, Gesualdo P, Gowda V, Gustavsson B, Hagopian WA, Håkansson R, Hammar C, Hansen M, Hansson G, Hansson I, Hay KM, Hoffman M, Hui P, Hyberg S, Hyöty H, Ide L, Ilonen J, Ivarsson S, Järvirova MS, Johansoon J, Johnson SB, Knip M, Krischer JP, Kronberg-Kippilä C, Larsson H, Lee HS, Lernmark A, Lernmark B, Liu S, Malloy J, Månsson-Martinez M, Mantymaki E, Markan M, McCarthy C, McLeod W, Melin J, Mulenga D, Nallamshetty L, Nanto-Salonen K, Niininen T, Nilsson A, Norris J, Nyblom M, Rahmati K, Rewers M, Romo M, Ruohonen E, Simell OG, Simell T, Simmell B, Sjöberg B, Skidmore J, Smith S, Stenius A, Steptikova V, TEDDY Study Group, Torma M, Törn C, Trope L, Uusitalo U, Vanneman N, Vehik K, Veijola R, Virtanen SM, Wallin A, Waugh K, Whitaker I, Wigheden I, Wimar A, Wion E, Yang J
TEDDY Study Group. The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2008 Dec;1150:1-13.


The etiology of type 1 diabetes (T1D) remains unknown, but a growing body of evidence points to infectious agents and/or components of early childhood diet. The National Institutes of Health has established the TEDDY Study consortium of six clinical centers in the United States and Europe and a data coordinating center to identify environmental factors predisposing to, or protective against, islet autoimmunity and T1D. From 2004-2009, TEDDY will screen more than 360,000 newborns from both the general population and families already affected by T1D to identify an estimated 17,804 children with high-risk HLA-DR,DQ genotypes. Of those, 7,801 (788 first-degree relatives and 7,013 newborns with no family history of T1D) will be enrolled in prospective follow-up beginning before the age of 4.5 months. As of May 2008, TEDDY has screened more than 250,000 newborns and enrolled nearly 5,000 infants--approximately 70% of the final cohort. Participants are seen every 3 months up to 4 years of age, with subsequent visits every 6 months until the subject is 15 years of age. Blood samples are collected at each visit for detection of candidate infectious agents and nutritional biomarkers; monthly stool samples are collected for infectious agents. These samples are saved in a central repository. Primary endpoints include (1) appearance of one or more islet autoantibodies (to insulin, GAD65 or IA-2) confirmed at two consecutive visits; (2) development of T1D. By age 15, an estimated 800 children will develop islet autoimmunity and 400 will progress to T1D; 67 and 27 children have already reached these endpoints.