Data have been updated for The Drug Induced Liver Injury Network Retrospective Study (DILIN Retro). This update includes additional data through the Grant 4 funding cycle (June 2023).
If you have already been approved to receive the DILIN Retro data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The DILIN Retrospective study seeks to stimulate and facilitate research into drug-induced liver injury by retrospectively establishing a nationwide registr. . .
Data have been updated for The Drug Induced Liver Injury Network Prospective Study (DILIN Pro). This update includes additional follow up data through the Grant 4 funding cycle (June 2023).
If you have already been approved to receive the DILIN Pro data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The DILIN Prospective study is an ongoing multicenter observational study. Participants (2 years of age or older) were enrolled in this study if there w. . .
Data have been updated for The Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Cohort Study (CKiD). This update includes an additional follow up data through April 30, 2022.
If you have already been approved to receive the CKiD data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a life-long condition that often results in substantial morbidity and premature death due to complications from a progressive decrease in kidney function.. . .
A new study, Analysis of Prediction by Ultrasound of the Risk of Hepatic Cirrhosis in Cystic Fibrosis Cohort Using Advanced MRI to Characterize and Predict CF Liver Disease (PUSH-MRE), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The Analysis of Prediction by Ultrasound of the Risk of Hepatic Cirrhosis in Cystic Fibrosis Cohort Using Advanced MRI to Characterize and Predict CF Liver Disease (PUSH-MRE) study was a prospective cross secti. . .
Data have been updated for the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study (CRIC) study. This update includes updated datasets containing additional follow up.
If you have already been approved to receive the CRIC data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study is an observational study that examined risk factors for progression of chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) . . .
Data have been updated for The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. This update includes TEDDY data through the TEDDY 2022 funding period and additional analysis datasets for M38b, M70, M140, and M171.
If you have already been approved to receive the TEDDY data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The TEDDY study is a multicenter prospective cohort study that was established in response to these gaps in unders. . .
A new study, Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Pelvic Pain Twin Study (MAPP Twin), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data and specimens from this study are now available for request.
The Pelvic Pain Twin Study was a small, pilot study conducted at one MAPP Network Discovery site during MAPP Phase I using a unique sample of female, community-based twins from the University of Washington Twin Registry. This effort represented a co-twin control study, with pairs that wer. . .
Data have been updated for Prediction by Ultrasound of the Risk of Hepatic Cirrhosis in Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease (CFLD PUSH). This update includes final study datasets.
If you have already been approved to receive the CFLD PUSH data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The Prediction by Ultrasound of the Risk of Hepatic Cirrhosis in Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease (CFLD PUSH) study was a prospective longitudinal study that aimed to deter. . .
Data have been updated for Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG) and Pegylated Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF) in New Onset Type 1 Diabetes (TN19). This update includes additional flow analysis datasets.
If you have already been approved to receive the TN19 data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The TN19 study was a three-arm, 1:1:1 randomized, placebo controlled, double- blinded trial in which participants either received active Anti. . .
A new study, Longitudinal Assessment of Transient Elastography in Cystic Fibrosis (ELASTIC-CF), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The ELASTIC-CF study assessed if combining FibroScan® measurement of liver stiffness transient elastography with ultrasound would improve the prediction of the development of a nodular liver on ultrasound and development of portal hypertension over time in children and young adults with CF. Study vi. . .
A new study, Validation of Bladder Health Instrument for Evaluation in Women (VIEW), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The VIEW study prospectively collected data to test and validate bladder health instrument (BHI) items for inclusion in a final bladder health scale (BHS) that assessed the full range of bladder health of women. The study collected data from the general population using mailed surveys, from the clinical popula. . .
A new study, Biliary Atresia Study in Infants and Children (BASIC), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Analysis data from this study are now available for request as well as three analysis datasets using combined data from the PROBE and BASIC studies.
The Biliary Atresia Study in Infants and Children (BASIC) is a prospective, observational study that was established by ChiLDReN to collect pertinent clinical information and biospecimens to aid in the understanding of the disorder. . .
A new study, Rare and Atypical DIAbetes NeTwork (RADIANT), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The Rare and Atypical DIAbetes NeTwork (RADIANT) is a multicenter prospective cohort study that is dedicated to characterizing (discovering and defining) rare and atypical forms of diabetes. Individuals will be screened for evaluation of suspected atypical diabetes of unknown origin. Among the pool of evaluated individuals, those found. . .
Data have been updated for the Longitudinal Study of Genetic Causes of Intrahepatic Cholestasis (LOGIC) study. This study is part of the Childhood Liver Disease Research Network (ChiLDReN). An additional analysis dataset is now available for request.
If you have already been approved to receive the LOGIC data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The primary objectives of the LOGIC study include determining the frequency of poor growth and d. . .
Data have been updated for A Prospective Database of Infants With Cholestasis (PROBE). This update includes an analysis dataset from PROBE. Additionally, this update includes three analysis datasets using combined data from the PROBE, BASIC, and START studies.
If you have already been approved to receive the PROBE data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
PROBE is a multi-center project to establish a prospective database of clinical inform. . .
Data have been updated for Careful Urinary Tract Infection Evaluation (CUTIE). This update includes an additional renal scan dataset.
If you have already been approved to receive the CUTIE data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The CUTIE study was an observational study designed to determine why some children develop kidney scars after urinary tract infections (UTIs). The study was aimed at understanding which children were at the greates. . .
Data have been updated for The Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-Term Treatment Against Cirrhosis Trial (HALT-C). This update includes Biopsy Adverse Event data.
If you have already been approved to receive the HALT-C data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-Term Treatment Against Cirrhosis Trial (HALT-C) was a randomized clinical trial of long-term use of peginterferon alfa-2a in participants with chronic hepatitis . . .
Data have been updated for Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). This update includes PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) Secondary data.
If you have already been approved to receive the DPP data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a clinical trial that investigated whether modest weight loss through dietary changes and increased physical activity or treatment with the oral diabetes drug metformi. . .
Data have been updated for Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS). This update includes Phase 3 data and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) Secondary data.
If you have already been approved to receive the DPPOS data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) is the long-term follow-up of the original DPP (Diabetes Prevention Program) study. The DPPOS sought to evaluate the . . .
Data have been updated for The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. This update includes additional analysis datasets for M199, M208, M233, and M239.
If you have already been approved to receive the TEDDY data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The TEDDY study is a multicenter prospective cohort study that was established in response to these gaps in understanding of type 1 diabetes (T1D). The primary objectiv. . .
Data have been updated for Anti-CD3 Mab (Teplizumab) for Prevention of Diabetes in Relatives At-Risk for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (TN10) study. This update includes additional secondary outcomes analysis datasets.
If you have already been approved to receive the TN10 data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
TN10 was a phase 2 prevention trial of TrialNet, studying the effect of teplizumab on insulin production in the relatives of type 1 dia. . .
Data have been updated for A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Corticosteroid Therapy Following Portoenterostomy in Infants with Biliary Atresia (START) study. This update includes an additional vitamin deficiency analysis dataset, and two analysis datasets using combined data from the Prospective Database of Infants with Cholestasis (PROBE) and START studies.
If you have already been approved to receive the START data package, please contact us through your request to d. . .
Data have been updated for FibroScan in Pediatric Cholestatic Liver Disease (FORCE) study. This update includes an additional biomarkers analysis dataset.
If you have already been approved to receive the FORCE data package, please contact us through your request to download the updated data package.
The FibroScan in Pediatric Cholestatic Liver Disease (FORCE) study, a natural history study within ChiLDReN, was a cross-sectional and longitudinal assessment of the utility of liver stiffness . . .
A new study, Extension Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety and Durability of Effect of LUM001 in the Treatment of Cholestatic Liver Disease in Pediatric Subjects with Alagille Syndrome (IMAGINE-II), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The IMAGINE-II study was a multicenter, extension study of LUM001 in children diagnosed with Alagille syndrome (ALGS) who had completed participation in a core LUM001 treatment protocol (ITCH st. . .
A new study, A Phase I/IIa Trial of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Therapy Following Portoenterostomy in Infants with Biliary Atresia (PRIME), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data from this study are now available for request.
The PRIME study was a multicenter prospective phase I/IIa open label trial, aimed at assessing the feasibility, tolerability, and safety of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy following hepatic portoenterostomy (HPE) in infants with biliary atr. . .
A new study, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Pediatric Database 2 (NAFLD Pediatric Database 2), has been posted to the NIDDK Central Repository. Data and biospecimens from this study are now available for request.
The Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network (NASH CRN) was initiated in 2002 to conduct multicenter, collaborative studies on the etiology, contributing factors, natural history, complications, and treatment of NASH. The Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Pediatric Dat. . .